Big spoiler alert below! Do not read if you haven't read all the books.
~~~~~~~~~~ Spoilers start... NOW!
1. Who is the first leader of ThunderClan? Thunder
2. Who are the Three? Jayfeather, Lionblaze, and Dovewing
3. Who is Firestar's mother? I forget her name... Ginger or something?
4. Who is Bluestar's mother and father? Moonflower and Stormtail
5. Who are Scourges siblings? Socks and Ruby
6. Is Firestar's first friends name Greystripe or Graystripe? Graystripe
7. Who does Hollyleaf kill? Ashfur
8. Who kills Firestar? Tigerstar
9. Is there a cat named Bubblebreeze? I don't think so.
10. Is there one or two Mintfurs? Is there even one Mintfur?
Last edited by fireheartocean (2012-08-26 19:30:42)
fireheartocean wrote:
1. Who is the first leader of ThunderClan? Thunder
2. Who are the Three? Jayfeather, Lionblaze, and Dovewing
3. Who is Firestar's mother? I forget her name... Ginger or something?
4. Who is Bluestar's mother and father? Moonflower and Stormtail
5. Who are Scourges siblings? Socks and Ruby
6. Is Firestar's first friends name Greystripe or Graystripe? Graystripe
7. Who does Hollyleaf kill? Ashfur
8. Who kills Firestar? Tigerstar
9. Is there a cat named Bubblebreeze? I don't think so.
10. Is there one or two Mintfurs? Is there even one Mintfur?
Good, but theres two mintfurs, and firestars mom is nutmeg.
fireheartocean wrote:
1. Who is the first leader of ThunderClan? Thunder
2. Who are the Three? Jayfeather, Lionblaze, and Dovewing
3. Who is Firestar's mother? I forget her name... Ginger or something?
4. Who is Bluestar's mother and father? Moonflower and Stormtail
5. Who are Scourges siblings? Socks and Ruby
6. Is Firestar's first friends name Greystripe or Graystripe? Graystripe
7. Who does Hollyleaf kill? Ashfur
8. Who kills Firestar? Tigerstar
9. Is there a cat named Bubblebreeze? I don't think so.
10. Is there one or two Mintfurs? Is there even one Mintfur?
I havent read that far, but I KNOW it cant be TIgerstar. HE died in the sixth or fifth book, and firestar died in the most recent book. PLUS please DO NOT fill this place with spoilers -_-
CatPerson wrote:
fireheartocean wrote:
1. Who is the first leader of ThunderClan? Thunder
2. Who are the Three? Jayfeather, Lionblaze, and Dovewing
3. Who is Firestar's mother? I forget her name... Ginger or something?
4. Who is Bluestar's mother and father? Moonflower and Stormtail
5. Who are Scourges siblings? Socks and Ruby
6. Is Firestar's first friends name Greystripe or Graystripe? Graystripe
7. Who does Hollyleaf kill? Ashfur
8. Who kills Firestar? Tigerstar
9. Is there a cat named Bubblebreeze? I don't think so.
10. Is there one or two Mintfurs? Is there even one Mintfur?I havent read that far, but I KNOW it cant be TIgerstar. HE died in the sixth or fifth book, and firestar died in the most recent book. PLUS please DO NOT fill this place with spoilers -_-
sorry ill edit it so that people HAVE to make the anwsers transparant and ill only give them numbers they got right. and tigerstar does kill firestar. read the last hope.
I, for one, think this place IS for spoilers. Thus, I won't use transparent text.
Whitefur wrote:
I'm almost in Dawn. I read pretty slow.
The fastest I've read a warrior book was 2 days...I've been on Moonrise for a week and a half.
Luckily my mom makes me sit alone in the car for 3 hours every Thursday, so I read about 20 chapters then. XP
Did I mention that I only got the books a week ago and have read through 2 of them? I haven't read at all in the past 4 days, though.
Last edited by BirdByte (2012-08-25 16:46:04)
Whitefur wrote:
You're in Fire and Ice?
My fav book was book 5 or 6. They were awesome.I read The Rise Of Scourge 4 times. XD I like the manga books.
i read dawn like 10 times because i kept forrgetting i read it!
Whitefur wrote:
You're in Fire and Ice?
My fav book was book 5 or 6. They were awesome.I read The Rise Of Scourge 4 times. XD I like the manga books.
I'm in Forest of Secrets.
I can't wait to get to those, but my mom doesn't like the series, so I doubt I'll get them.
mintfang wrote:
Whitefur wrote:
You're in Fire and Ice?
My fav book was book 5 or 6. They were awesome.I read The Rise Of Scourge 4 times. XD I like the manga books.
i read dawn like 10 times because i kept forrgetting i read it!
Wow. 10 times?
Whitefur wrote:
mintfang wrote:
Whitefur wrote:
You're in Fire and Ice?
My fav book was book 5 or 6. They were awesome.I read The Rise Of Scourge 4 times. XD I like the manga books.
i read dawn like 10 times because i kept forrgetting i read it!
Wow. 10 times?
DAWN is my least fav XD ironic, isnt it?
CatPerson wrote:
fireheartocean wrote:
1. Who is the first leader of ThunderClan? Thunder
2. Who are the Three? Jayfeather, Lionblaze, and Dovewing
3. Who is Firestar's mother? I forget her name... Ginger or something?
4. Who is Bluestar's mother and father? Moonflower and Stormtail
5. Who are Scourges siblings? Socks and Ruby
6. Is Firestar's first friends name Greystripe or Graystripe? Graystripe
7. Who does Hollyleaf kill? Ashfur
8. Who kills Firestar? Tigerstar
9. Is there a cat named Bubblebreeze? I don't think so.
10. Is there one or two Mintfurs? Is there even one Mintfur?I havent read that far, but I KNOW it cant be TIgerstar. HE died in the sixth or fifth book, and firestar died in the most recent book. PLUS please DO NOT fill this place with spoilers -_-
... Well, if you don't like spoilers, I won't tell you.. and sorry, I was just filling out the quiz. I love to do quizzes about my favorite books and such. You're right, though, I should've made it invisible, if I knew how. I'll put a major spoiler alert on the top of my post.
Last edited by fireheartocean (2012-08-26 19:32:23)
fireheartocean wrote:
CatPerson wrote:
fireheartocean wrote:
1. Who is the first leader of ThunderClan? Thunder
2. Who are the Three? Jayfeather, Lionblaze, and Dovewing
3. Who is Firestar's mother? I forget her name... Ginger or something?
4. Who is Bluestar's mother and father? Moonflower and Stormtail
5. Who are Scourges siblings? Socks and Ruby
6. Is Firestar's first friends name Greystripe or Graystripe? Graystripe
7. Who does Hollyleaf kill? Ashfur
8. Who kills Firestar? Tigerstar
9. Is there a cat named Bubblebreeze? I don't think so.
10. Is there one or two Mintfurs? Is there even one Mintfur?I havent read that far, but I KNOW it cant be TIgerstar. HE died in the sixth or fifth book, and firestar died in the most recent book. PLUS please DO NOT fill this place with spoilers -_-
... Well, if you don't like spoilers, I won't tell you.. and sorry, I was just filling out the quiz. I love to do quizzes about my favorite books and such. You're right, though, I should've made it invisible, if I knew how. I'll put a major spoiler alert on the top of my post.
It's ok.
Oh I remember this series
good times.
but WARNING they pretty much just get worse and worse
Oh, she came to my school! I got her autograph!
I used to be obsessed with Leopardstar