If you press alt+f4 multiple times, it gives you infinite lives!
If you click the green flag three times, you skip to level 6!
Ctrl+5 makes you walk on walls!
sprite monsters on level 1
Get the invisible bomb on the upper left corner of the screen, and bomb em! IF YOU WANT: After that, hit the big red switch the sprites were concealing, and type in the code:sofuoib. That will directly get you to level 5!
Baby monkeys with machine guns on level 2
Use a boomerang to slice open the slit in the wall, and metal bricks will come out on the monkeys.
Zombies with knives on level 3
Get chuck norris to eat a piece of candy you find on the ground. Tempt him to kill them.
Annoying Orange on level 4
Find the Nyan Cat and force the cat to shoot nice oranges at the annoying orange.
Purple alien cats on level 921
Find the hidden Stroke attack, and use it on the purple alien cats in flying saucers. Once you do that, the alien cat will abduct all the enemies you encounter.
Cheats for this game:
Last edited by ScratchGameMaster (2012-01-31 11:04:18)
Annoying Orange on level 4
Find the Nyan Cat and force the cat to shoot nice oranges at the annoying orange.
rdococ wrote:
Annoying Orange on level 4
Find the Nyan Cat and force the cat to shoot nice oranges at the annoying orange.
CatLuvah wrote:
Level 921
Find the hidden Stroke attack, and use it on the purple alien cats in flying saucers. Once you do that, the alien cat will abduct all the enemies you encounter.
cool! =P maybe we should do it in order though strting wiff five =P
CatLuvah wrote:
GlitchSprite (The creator of the project) said a cheat that is ctrl+5 to walk on walls.
Level 5
Defeat Chuck Norris
Press right when touching the right side of Chuck Norris's shoe (which is really speedy and fast) and you enter a shop where you can buy the Chuck Power that lets you round-house kick Chuck Norris. Go back and use the power on Chuck Norris, then press space when touching the bouncing ball to go to level 6.
Level 6
Defeat Bruce Lee
Press left when touching the right chest and half of him is knocked over. Using the power from level 5 doesn't work, so you have to stick around for 24 hours to find an item that will kill him with 5 hits (but every collected item yields only 1 hit until it's used up), so you need to stick around another 120 hours to get 5 items. Missing one item means you have to start again from the beginning.
Level 7
Save the Scratch Cat
There are lots of spammers that have kidnapped the Scratch Cat! In order to defeat the spammers you need to wait for a moderator to come online, and report them quick when they're online, because they're not online for long.
Last edited by rdococ (2012-01-31 11:55:45)
mythbusteranimator wrote:
What game is this???
awesome game
Level 8
After you save the Scratch cat, you have to bring him to Programmer's Haven. Hack onto the spammer's computer with the HAX0R 3001 disc in the garbage can outside, and go onto scratch. Search "Password 56943850493 andahalf" with the quotes, and click love it 20 times. The page should reload, with a doorway instead of a box to type a comment.
Level 9
The scratch cat should wave to you, unless you didn't click the love it button exactly 20 times. if he waves to you, it sends you to a prison with glass instead of bars. if he doesn't, he sends you to a normal prison. if it's glass, break the window and climb out before it's been 20 seconds ( a prison warden comes). If it's iron, the scenery outside is actually a tv screen behind the bars. punch it, and behind it is a fingerprint scanner. Scan a piece of cloth from your mattress, or the guards will come and send you to level 1. the back wall should open up, and you can escape.