Founded by WingsGames on 8 August 2012, we are now hiring!
If you have any talent in writing, reporting, idea making, or drawing, click on this thread to join!
The Scratch Chatter Scratch Forums!
we also have:
Scratch Chatter Website
If you want an advertisement for your collaboration or project on the 2nd issue of Scratch Chatter, please reply below
Collab 1)The Minecraft Company (TMC)
Collab 2)
Collab 3)
Project 1)Doors V by Infinitytec
Project 2)Why don't I look into the mirror by Scratcher5000
Project 3)
*note: Slots are taken on first come first serve basis. After you have booked a slot, you will get interviewed by Humhumgames. If you fail to reply within 48 hours from the interview day, your slot will be cancelled.
So, what are you waiting for? Want your project or collaboration featured? Comment now!!!
Last edited by chongyian (2012-08-26 04:59:08)
Ok, so under the name of The MineCraft Company?
chongyian wrote:
Ok, so under the name of The MineCraft Company?
I guess.
So, what do I need for the interview? Is it in the forums? Because I can't easily do a project-based one.
whizzer wrote:
chongyian wrote:
Ok, so under the name of The MineCraft Company?
I guess.
So, what do I need for the interview? Is it in the forums? Because I can't easily do a project-based one.
Of course not... I will inform humhumgames, and he will interview you. Best if you have a logo or banner...
@Jontmy00: Ok
K, I got the tornado pic! How to you want me to send it to you?
Interesting Idea. Very well, I would like to sign Endless Production up for slot 2.
The link is a bad request humhum, could you fix it? And do I need to answer these now, or wait for TMC?
Last edited by sonicfan12p (2012-08-24 11:47:26)
as far as i know, it works... and... bang!! instead of bump...
Humhum's link works for you? It says bad request for me.
ok... now it says bad request also... i used to be able to access it... i guess he deleteds his post
could you add my newest project, Why I Don't Look In The Mirror?
I need the questions now, so I can answer them.
Not so soon, sonicfan... we will give you the questions when we need it, which will happen very soon...
Hey! I need publicity urgently for my Scratch Party next week! Please help! Thanks! Information
Borrego6165, the second issue will not be released that soon... I will send it to the scratch times. Is that okay with you??
ftf841, the bit company has already booked a slot a long time ago... It should be out in the second issue, since there will be only one collaboration featured per issue...