Anarcial wrote:
So what we have to concentrate on is :
-The battle mode
-The beginning of each heroes' history, to be able to make the act 1
-The map of the world AND the world (obviously ^^)
-The items and their statistics.
But first and foremost : what do you like OR dislike in my version of WOS (without the battle mode that I'm making) ?
I'll give the task to each one :
Anarcial : Make the enemies' and Heroes' behaviour
Razor2 : Find items and implant and make their own statistics, in one project Scratch, once you'll have make it, just post it, and I'll put it into the basic program.
SnowMan141: Well... make the history of the world, and of the heroes... do you know how to make an animation with Scratch, because if you do, you'll save our lives by making the animations !
Does anyone else want a task ?
Good luck !
Hello Anarcial.
I don´t know if i can make the animations. I am not very good making animations.I Will look for someone who can do that don´t worry!!!!
Is that ok PituSky??
Mh. Story for wizard:''After continued years of wars the wizard of wisdom saw the kingdoms going down. After that he thought of his power to help the other kingdoms. He considered that he should help the others. ''Its our last hope!'' ''
Anarcial wrote:
Well... thank you soniku3... but you were already in the project ?
If not, you're received with a great joy ^^ even more if you can animate !
he was already in the project.
Hey I've posted another version for WOS, so DL it and tell me what you think about, and if you find bugs, just tell me where and how it declares, and I'll fix it ^^
new version
And if you could tell me what you're all doing and at what point of it you are, I would appreciate ! Just to know what I can or can't make for the moment ^^
I Will look for someone who can animate!
Anarcial wrote:
Hey I've posted another version for WOS, so DL it and tell me what you think about, and if you find bugs, just tell me where and how it declares, and I'll fix it ^^
new version
And if you could tell me what you're all doing and at what point of it you are, I would appreciate ! Just to know what I can or can't make for the moment ^^
Wizard is spelt wrong, it only has one z
I haven't seen it o_O Well thank you, gonna fix that, and there will be the organization of the skill tree, we'll just have to find skills to put in the tree !
(well it's not really a tree, but that's the common name of ^^ so...)
Okay bugs fixed.
Well does anyone know a drawer, because we need it to make the maps' levels.
If someone know one and that this one accepts, well he would have to create the level AND the maps of the levels, and he could use the creator of random map to help !
... We need better storys.
So here are a few.
[] and {} represent consequences of a choice.
All characters have same story starting, different equipment and mid/late game events:
___, was a young viliage boy, around 13 when it happened. A disaster. A huge hoard of monsters attacked the land, killing many people. ___'s parents were [Kidnapped]
{Killed}, and he enters the cave [to save them] {Get revenge}
Well I don't totally agree with you, I explain:
We can make the same story for all the characters, but we can have different way for each other to begin the story : the playable will be the same, but the "before", will be different, but we need better story, a little bit... darker I think, you know, because we're not going to make some "superman" heroes : like they're not going to be all totally good, generous and nice... the 4 characters have to make real different impressions, or why make different characters if it's to have 4 nice guys ?
So if the writers could split their work : one make the story everyone will play, and the other will make the "before" for all the 4 characters...
Thx !
Make choice important. Multiple endings. Emotional character death scenes for characters who you accidentally kill with your choices.
well, you re very ambitious and I like this type of game where you have to make yoyr own choice like in Bioshock 2, or even more in Deus Ex, but that will be difficult to put in the game , because of srcatch. It will difficulltly have the memory necessary to read all that... but I've already find some solutions to the little memory, and remember that graphics will never be beatiful, for the game or for the cinematics, so to make understand the gravity of the situation to the player, we need to find a good music and soun maker, and a good animator.
And for the different ends, well we got to find (here too) how to transfer the save... well we can say to the player : put the variables of the object __ in the variables of the object __
But I don't know if they will appreciate it ^^
For the sound maker we can use some sound and songs that already exists... like in the star wars or in whatever action movie, there is an epic scene with an epic music, we just have to found the good ones and to put them in scratch at the good time... same for the ambiance, I have many OST from really vood games I can find them....
No what we need is an AMV maker... but I ve posted a message in the request section so I think we should find... same for the drawer !
Well I've just posted a version with bugs fixed, but I wanted to add just ONE song for the 2 menus... and the action screen began to lag ENORMOUSLY !
So I don't know how we're going to make the game great WITHOUT music... we need to find a way to have much more memory....
HEY ! Go try the menu !
You'll see that I finally manage to put songs without lag !
I explain : The problem of the lag wasn't the songs, in fact it was the command "stop all songs"... so I removed it, there was no more lag, but the thing was that the song didn't want to change. But I tried to put the "Stop all songs" in the command with the "read song entirely", and... it works ! So no more lags, and I'm gonna try without compressing songs, because the quality is not really nice to hear !
But we CAN put big songs without lagging !
So go ahead and propose me some !
Anarcial wrote:
HEY ! Go try the menu !
You'll see that I finally manage to put songs without lag !
I explain : The problem of the lag wasn't the songs, in fact it was the command "stop all songs"... so I removed it, there was no more lag, but the thing was that the song didn't want to change. But I tried to put the "Stop all songs" in the command with the "read song entirely", and... it works ! So no more lags, and I'm gonna try without compressing songs, because the quality is not really nice to hear !
But we CAN put big songs without lagging !
So go ahead and propose me some !
Anarcial wrote:
Well... thank you soniku3... but you were already in the project ?
If not, you're received with a great joy ^^ even more if you can animate !
I can animate drawings
Thx, but actually I can't upload the latest version, because Scratch doesn't receive the answer from the site when I'm uploading it...
This version has 2 songs, some bugs fixed and the credits added...
I've put it here : of Scratch
Just DL it and give me your impressions... and try to upload it !
soniku3 wrote:
Anarcial wrote:
Well... thank you soniku3... but you were already in the project ?
If not, you're received with a great joy ^^ even more if you can animate !I can animate drawings
YAHOO sonicku.... is it me or I forgeot the "c" of your pseudo... no I forgot to put the "c" in the credit... my apologizes !
Well if you can animate, can you make the animations AND the histories for each characters (their introductions in fact !) ?
Now, I think we have to make the sprites of the skills...
So who is going to do this... I think we can find them on the internet, but scripters have to gave us each 13 powers of the 4 characters... look at the skills' tree to find them, because there will be 3 way of playing each characters... or basically their will be 3 ways, but players will chose their own skills' !
I'm gonna make the program for the levels, and hen I will make the one for the skills.
Razor : Can you tell me if you've find items and if you've begun to make their characteristics ?
Thx everybody !
Okay, today was a day without... not for me
I've made other modifications : There's a tutorial instead of the setting menu, ans some in the skills menu too... but I can't upload so maybe I will post it tonight.
To transfer the saves from a game to another, I thought that we could make the other parts WITHOUT heroes, and the player will have to implant it with the command export a sprite and introduce a sprite, and then he will have to save the game when he will begin the next part !
So he'll have to make a manipulation, but quite simple !
Ho and I won't be able to work or to respond to your questions from tomorrow to Sunday (or maybe I will be able but during a short time)...
So good luck !