Mos tof the jokes are funny on it's own, but if you can actually understand them cause you are nerdy that way (Hi, me.), you die laughing.
mythbusteranimator wrote:
Mos tof the jokes are funny on it's own, but if you can actually understand them cause you are nerdy that way (Hi, me.), you die laughing.
the big bang theroy is not real! i'm a christian
ftf841 wrote:
mythbusteranimator wrote:
My friend's cats are named Raj, Howard, and Leonard.
And they are vry cute 6 week old kittens. :3*infinity
CylonToast wrote:
littletonkslover wrote:
CylonToast wrote:
You do know that they have to re-record every scene that's supposed to be funny until people laugh, right? Even if it isn't funny, the audience has no choice but to laugh.i'm pretty sure it's automated most of the time
No, it isn't. The audience isn't there for fun, they're there for a reason, which is to see how the humor in the show registers with viewers. They have to re-record each scene that's supposed to be funny until they laugh.
My dad went to see Two and a Half Men live when he went to California a few years ago, and he said that at one point Jon Cryer had said one of his lines that was supposed to be funny and the audience didn't laugh. They stopped recording and then the writer went onstage to tell him something. They continued recording, and when it was his turn to talk, he said the same thing rephrased and the audience laughed.
When a joke really isn't funny and the audience doesn't laugh (which is usually the case with unsuccessful shows that end up being cancelled), THAT'S when they use the automated laugh track.
They actually do have signs like "Laugh" or "Clap" and such, and the laughter is "sweetened" which basically means they can insert laughter or increase laughter anywhere they want.
mythbusteranimator wrote:
Mos tof the jokes are funny on it's own, but if you can actually understand them cause you are nerdy that way (Hi, me.), you die laughing.
The jokes aren't in anyway hard to get or understand for anyway. it's nerd-insulting humor for the lowest common denominator.
Yeah, I'm not really allowed to watch that show (I'm apparently "too young"), but I've seen parts of it and it's pretty funny. I like Sheldon. He was in the new Muppet movie if you didn't know.
CN12 wrote:
Yeah, I'm not really allowed to watch that show (I'm apparently "too young"), but I've seen parts of it and it's pretty funny. I like Sheldon. He was in the new Muppet movie if you didn't know.
I knew that.
And my parents don't generally have me watch late-night sitcoms, but not because I'm not allowed. Mainly, it's because we watch other, recorded shows. ;P
i don't know why but even seeing jim parson's face makes me laugh
actually i got a bazinga shirt on right now
yeah yeah i know i'm a loser