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<move( 11<turn cw( 90 )degrees><turn cw(180)degrees> )steps>[blocks] How do you make games? I have an account but I don't know how to make games!
HELP!!!!!!!!<if on edge, bounce>[/block]
hey i will help you for sure every time u need help ask me
by the way which type of game would you like to make
Last edited by fanofcena (2009-06-17 03:02:22)
Start by looking at games - that is what is great about this web site - you can get the source any game online
Then with scratch - which is very object based define your objects - in terms of what they know, what they do, and what they look like
Build it object by object
First, try reading the help pages ( )
If you need any help, just tell us!
The very first thing you need to do before anything else is download scratch.
There are also some good tutorials you can follow here.
If you need any more help, feel free to ask in the forums.
You should look onto other people's projects and above the project notes you'll see something that says to download that project. Download it and get inspiration from the blocks they used to make the project.
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