What do you mean? If you want the characters to say your name, do this!
when green flag clicked
say "What is your name?" for 2 secs
ask "What's your name?" and wait
set "Name" to (answer)
say (join "Hello " (Name)) for 2 secs
BirdByte wrote:
You use the "answer" reporter. If you are going to ask another question, set a variable to "answer". Then, you can use the "join" reporter in the "say" block.
Beat me to it by seconds!
GlennWright wrote:
when gf clicked ask [What's your name?] and wait set [Name v] to (answer) say (join [Hello ] (Name)) for (2) secs
i turned it into scratchblocks
GlennWright wrote:
What do you mean? If you want the characters to say your name, do this!
when green flag clicked say [What is your name?] for (2) secs ask [What's your name?] and wait set [Name v] to (answer) say (join (join [Hello ] (Name)) [!]) for (2) secs
I put it in scratch blocks for you. I also did a thing or two.
Last edited by ErnieParke (2012-08-21 15:29:59)
Wes64 wrote:
GlennWright wrote:
when gf clicked ask [What's your name?] and wait set [Name v] to (answer) say (join [Hello ] (Name)) for (2) secsi turned it into scratchblocks
Thanks! I payed a visit to your review forum thread and submitted my game!