They say Scratch will be finished October-December 2012. Until then, rumour has it that they will release lots of beta versions e.g. pre-alpha, alpha, post-alpha, pre-beta, beta, post-beta, pre-rc, rc, full scratch 2.0 or maybe they will just say 'here is the alpha' and keep updating it then say 'now it is the beta' and update it until they can say 'here is the full version'. Also they can patch it as they like because it is online, which means goodbye to the idea of 2.0.1 except the downloadable version might have 2.0, 2.0.1,, 2.0.2,, 2.0.3,, 2.0.4,, 2.0.5 and so on.
Mokat wrote:
Whoa. I thought that in 10 years it would be like Scratch 4.6 or something.
Actually according to my calculations, at this rate probably about 8.4 or 9.0
Last edited by likegames (2012-05-30 11:26:45)
juststickman wrote:
Stickman704 wrote:
juststickman wrote:
The scratch team actually has confirmed that it will be in flash.
Really? That's gonna be awesome!
The only good things I can see from it are: Projects will work at my school, they'll work on phones, they might be faster, maybe VSG?
Ok nevermind. That's gonna be awesome.
They won't work on apple devices, though, as IOS doesn't work with flash!
barndawg wrote:
A quote from the wiki:
Confirmed Features
The following have been confirmed as features for Scratch 2.0:
Scratch 2.0 will run on Adobe Flash (so it won't work with iOS devices)
Last edited by barndawg (2012-06-12 02:43:16)
elimantor wrote:
i emailed scratch they said there hoping to have scratch 2.0 by mid 2012 D:
How did you e-mail scratch?
olivora wrote:
im hopin for the
<when [ ] Received >block
I do too... but whenever I download a scratch mod with that block in it it seems to not do anything .
That block is useless! Quick explanation: Broadcast is a quick, singular trigger, so it only broadcasts for a split second. If it was continuous, it would already be implemented, but it would only work in (forever) (if v recieved)
likegames wrote:
That block is useless! Quick explanation: Broadcast is a quick, singular trigger, so it only broadcasts for a split second. If it was continuous, it would already be implemented, but it would only work in (forever) (if v recieved)
You could have said that in a more subtle way...
It's aimed at
wait until <[broadcast v] received?>Although it's already possible and easy... I don't think this block should be added.
have been skipped
I hope it comes out this year.
No, alpha comes first. It didn't come out in august!
But it is already alpha and
Scratch 2.0 is in "alpha" status,
but is expected to enter "beta" stage soon
Source: Scratch Wiki
Axser wrote:
But it is already alpha and
Scratch 2.0 is in "alpha" status,
but is expected to enter "beta" stage soon
Source: Scratch Wiki
But Alpha is the 1st letter in the Greek alphabet, and beta is the second, so then Omega must be the final release, which it isn't, and Blender 1.0 was released after Blender 0.99 Alpha, so... okay, I'm confused.
Well I know that someone made a bookmarklet to get into scratch 2.0, the code is
javascript:if(window.location!=''){window.location=''};javascript:document.body.childNodes[0].ASsetEditMode(true);document.body.childNodes[0].ASsetLoginUser(prompt('Please note: the username you enter will be displayed on the top \nright of Scratch2.0 even if the password you enter next is incorrect, but \ncloud variables will not work perfectly.\n\nScratch Username:'),prompt('Scratch Password: (Careful - NOT masked!!)'));
and that will get you into the editor