Hello im 0RoGa0 and a left scratch months ago but a week ago i made a new PROJECT
but it dusnt work :I. its about you waking up in a room and try to find out whats going on
i think the scripts i used are too long and dont work please can someone take a look at it
i hope somebody is gonna do it i spend 1 week on it its beta v1.1 but is too buggy
help me please: http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/0RoGa0/2733908
never fear, Spyderblade is here!
kk I'll take a look-see
I'll check it too. Two heads are better than one!
ok....what I see is that the answer "turn lighter on" and "use lighter" don't work.
They worked for me, what didn't work for me was typing the code at the end. I took a few or blocks to see what would happen, then it worked. There's just too many possible answers. My suggestion would be to make one set answer, then have a sprite showing all available typing options to the player.
I see only one way to fix this...
Try my project Mission-Escape. It asks questions, but it gives several answers to them. I believe the amount of scrips you have is creating what I call a contradictory script. That means one script says something like
If answer is not "turn lights on", then say "I don't understand."
And another is saying:
If answer is "turn on lighter", then say "you see four walls..."
This tries to make Scratch do(say) two things at once, which is impossible. I'm sorry, but the only answer is to create a similar but simpler project. But don't go deleting everything yet! See what Sonicfan12p has to say first.
sonicfan12p wrote:
They worked for me, what didn't work for me was typing the code at the end. I took a few or blocks to see what would happen, then it worked. There's just too many possible answers. My suggestion would be to make one set answer, then have a sprite showing all available typing options to the player.
Right, exactly! Like my project Mission-Escape.