I have a camera app, but when I open it, it won't take pictures! It's a 1st generation original iPad. Does anyone have answers?
I'm not sure...
This topic doesn't fit in this section though...
Connecting to the Physical Word wrote:
Topics related to Pico Boards, LEGO WeDo (tm), and connecting Scratch projects to the physical world.
But I'm not sure exactly where this would go.. I'll report this so that a mod can help
powerpoint56 wrote:
I'm not sure...
This topic doesn't fit in this section though...Connecting to the Physical Word wrote:
Topics related to Pico Boards, LEGO WeDo (tm), and connecting Scratch projects to the physical world.
But I'm not sure exactly where this would go.. I'll report this so that a mod can help
Thanks I don't know where it goes either but do you know the anwser?
Hmm... I have an iPad, but it's an iPad2... I don't know... have you tried searching this on the Internet?
powerpoint56 wrote:
Hmm... I have an iPad, but it's an iPad2... I don't know... have you tried searching this on the Internet?
monsterpoison wrote:
I have a camera app, but when I open it, it won't take pictures! It's a 1st generation original iPad. Does anyone have answers?
1st gen iPads don't have cameras! An app will not give it a camera, the hardware has to have a camera. I don't know if there are any 3rd party (not by Apple) cameras for the iPad 1, but I don't think so.
This doesn't seem to fit well into any of our forum categories - so I'm going to close it now.