Where lots of really cool game get released on the same day The date of when the games should be released is August 30th. If you want to join in the EGDD you should post a message with this aplication.
Name of the game:the game
Notes:Some things you want me to say about this game.
If I don't want to post the game then to bad go make your own topic about it!
Hello and I am your host tookewl and HERE ARE THE EGDD GAMES!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~EGDD GAMES~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Name of the Game:Native
Notes:What happens when an RPG comes to life?What happens when good is outnumbered by foe?And what happens when the game plays you?Native happens.
Last edited by tookewl (2009-06-15 12:53:13)
I sort of like this idea I think I will make my own topic in show and tell with my spin off from your idea
hmm maybe organize a day like Epic game day
sounds cool i'll try to release something on that day!
Name of the Game: Waddle Dee RPG
Creator: big-bang
Genre: RPG
Notes: Waddle Dee's epic quest contains memory-eating stop motion, a warp to nowhere in particular, and smoothly sprited action. Can you find a cameo of Orbit, my fat cat? (hint: on the bed)