I'm gonna make a game called Cat Dress up!
when gf clicked say [Cat Dress Up] for (99999999999) secs
when gf clicked say [http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/MrPikachu/2718016 check it out now!!!] for 10000000000000000000000000000 secshey guys! MrPikachu has make a fantabulous project! check it out! http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/MrPikachu/2718016 check it out now!!
ok great job keep up the great work. and whoever made the new pet paw productions screen great job we can use any screen as long as it says pet paw productions on it and has the paw print.
soon but im a little busy
when gf clicked say [N] for (1) secs say [E] for (1) secs say [E] for (1) secs say [D] for (1) secs say [ ] for (1) secs say [P] for (1) secs say [R] for (1) secs say [O] for (1) secs say [J] for (1) secs say [E] for (1) secs say [C] for (1) secs say [T] for (1) secs say [S] for (1) secs
_when clicked_
sorry i was trying to do a scratch block well onto matters. WE NEED PROGECTS! OR IDEAS! but luckily for pet paw prodouctions i think i got some ideas. like a rocket game and thank curioscrab for the rocket idea.or a racing game.or a surfing game. or a game where you have to survive in the wilderness. please if you want to make progects atleast use one of my ideas._meow_
I vote for cats!!
when (I am) clicked say [I have no idea what to make]_meow_
well i got some ideas in my last comment so if any of you will vote for any of those i can start making them right away but you guys might have to help with some things.
sonicdv is going to post a progect called elavators and he says when he makes it he wants us to help make levels.
beakeagle6 wrote:
sonicdv is going to post a progect called elavators and he says when he makes it he wants us to help make levels.
when gf clicked wait until <(project construction) = [complete]> say [OMGosh that was hard!] for (4) secs
when gf clicked forever say [i have ideas for progects!] for (4) secs
beakeagle6 wrote:
when gf clicked forever say [i have ideas for progects!] for (4) secs end
You forgot the scratchblocks.
Last edited by curiouscrab (2012-08-22 13:00:41)
sonicdv wrote:
beakeagle6 wrote:
sonicdv is going to post a progect called elavators and he says when he makes it he wants us to help make levels.
when gf clicked wait until <(project construction) = [complete]> say [OMGosh that was hard!] for (4) secs
Where's the elevator project? I don't see it in your stuff.