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#1 2012-08-12 08:23:16

Registered: 2012-06-17
Posts: 1000+

Function Based Language

Got bored, and was looking at BOX, and SKI calculus, so I decided to make a programming language based on functions. Its not really meant to be serious, just an experiment with functions.
Here is the link, read the project notes for the guide on how it works. I tried to make the guide as easy as possible.



say first reverse say Enter_a_number input


say concatenate The_sum_is_ add say first reverse say Enter_two_numbers_for_the_sum._First_number: input say first reverse say Second_number: input

Simple ones in order of difficulty.
say input
say Hi!
say add input input
say concatenate The_sum_is_ add say input say input
say concatenate The_first_number_is_ first say input say input
say concatenate The_second_number_is_ first reverse say input say input
say add first reverse say Hello_world! say input first reverse say 15_plus_your_number_is 15

Post your programs in the comments!

Last edited by Molybdenum (2012-08-12 20:51:07)

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