Hello, I'm SwiftWolf, and I am trying to make a series. I can handle the animating, backgrounds, music, and sound effects, but not the voice acting. I need anyone with a fine mic to audition for my series.
Here's a link to the first set of lines:
What's Stone Garden about(very roughly):
A few teens discover that there's a underground village through Nina. The village holds the only place where magical statues can turn into life. Nina is very different from the other statues and dreams to be completely human. Nina is close to her human friends, but dramatically ends to a tragically when she falls in love.
(-Also some pretty random things happen along the story or series.)
Thank-you for reading!
Sounds cool! But, I don't have a good mic. .
If you need help with backgrounds or any type of graphics, I'll be the one to go to.
This probably (I'm not sure) belongs in requests, but I don't know. I'll report it for you, just in case.
Like your username!
Whether it belongs in Collaboration or Requests probably depends on how much participation the voice actors have. If they are simply reading lines that you have already written - then Requests is probably the right place. I'll move it there for now and we'll see how it goes