In the sprite painter, there should be a button for:
Stretching: Making the sprite thicker or thinner, taller or shorter.
3D Rotating: Rotating sprite on a 3D axis to make it seem as if it is moving in three dimentions.
A script for stretching and rotating: When green flag clicked: Set strech to 12% up/down/
42% left/right.
When green flag clicked: Add 1% to strech up/down/ 57% left/right.
Using these scripts, we can make smooth 3D projects, easier to set details like paper or bags on grounds in animations, or even make a rotating title screen.
I like the stretching idea, but 3D rotation would be way too much time, effort, and money for the ST to implement.
Stretching I support.
And I know we've all wanted Scratch 3D, but it's not going to happen. Sorry.
And with quite a bit of time and effort you yourself could sort of simulate 3D in Scratch.
Seil wrote:
3D rotation would be way too much time, effort, and money for the ST to implement.
All it is is making the sprite flatter and smaller in some parts, and besides, it would only take a few dollars at maximum. MIT is a computer lab, and one of the largest, I might add. I'm positive they have the time and effort, AND money.