Hello, I'm having a problem with my music loops. When you first start the game it brings you to the main menu then the main menu music plays which I put a loop in, but when you start playing the game it's supposed to stop all sounds and then play the gameplay music. Instead the music from the main menu and the gameplay music play simultaneously. Can anybody help?
This advice is basically a guess at which script you're using.
If you're using the script below for your main menu music, use the script beneath the script below:
when gf clicked forever play sound [main menu v] until done when gf clicked set [playing_game v] to [no] repeat until<(playing_game) = [yes]> play sound [main menu v] until done endKeep the "stop all sounds" script and have it so that when you set "playing_game" to yes before you "stop all sounds".
Thank you so much this worked! Yay!
MekrexProductions wrote:
Thank you so much this worked! Yay!
No problem, I'm glad it worked