This is my 1st time collabing if someone accepts so plz tell me how or what to do to make the same project.
I was thinking of making supersmashbros and thought i might need heli have 0 sprites
and 0 percent done so far .
when done i will give credit to who ever collabed with me
If you want to collab post :
-how to collab ? (just1person awnser that question)
-what you would like to do?
-how skill full out of ten you would rate yourself on that job ?
-how often you are on scratch?
Thank you for reading
p.s if no one collabs i will just make it my self and get the sprites
p.s.s the game im hoping will have a menu with only some of the posible option that ar on supersmash bros also hoping to have the camra screen move like it does dont now how but if no one does that collabs i will do it a diffrent way.