Bklecka wrote:
16Skittles wrote:
Craftbukkit 1.3.1- r1.0 is out now. The biggest problem is that PEX isn't working, it crashes the server when I try to add myself to the group "owner".
Just make yourself OP
With a permissions plugin even OP doesn't get some permissions. PermissionsBukkit is working, though.
16Skittles wrote:
Bklecka wrote:
16Skittles wrote:
Craftbukkit 1.3.1- r1.0 is out now. The biggest problem is that PEX isn't working, it crashes the server when I try to add myself to the group "owner".
Just make yourself OP
With a permissions plugin even OP doesn't get some permissions. PermissionsBukkit is working, though.
i just can't wait for the server
Less pvp? I'm in!
Laternenpfahl wrote:
Less pvp? I'm in!
The goal is to have more civilizations and less PvP. The way we regulate this is to only have PvP between warring nations, and to only have declarations of war for good reasons.
***Server is running on Dwarvencraft.Zapto.org!** I know that nobody is whitelisted!
can you whitelist me?
I know, guys! I will whitelist everyone after I get done with my summer reading for today Reading Shakespeare's Twelfth Night, and doing one act a day this week. :3
it might not be up until tomorrow though <.<
Last edited by 16Skittles (2012-08-07 14:06:03)
Okay, just added a ton of people to the whitelist. You can connect at dwarvencraft.zapto.org and can access the DynMap at dwarvencraft.zapto.org:8123
Sounds awesome. Can I be whitelisted? IGN is northmeister
banana500 wrote:
Um...I think the deathban is wayyyyy too long.
It said "Rejoin on 07.08.2012 14:29".
Found the problem and I am working on a fix. You have been unbanned, too.
I'll be on tomorrow
Whitelist me!
Will whitelist magnetistic later, got to go to the dentists. The death an plugin sucked. If someone can make a working one that has a 5 minute death ban that would be great. BanOnDeath had config files but whenever it loaded it overwrote the files. Also, I added MobBounty.
Sounds cool, my username is majorrom. Whitelist me please
To those who are building a town in the desert, put up a sign! I thought it was an abandoned NPC village or something until GamesGladiator told me it was your base, I almost took all your stuff!