temporary member or a permanent member: Temporary.
Jobs: Write, edit, and advertise.
Sample of your works:
"He walked through the snow sadly... And wondered when he would find the town. It was almost impossible to see where he was going because of the snow storm."
"He trudged through the snow in despair as he wondered when he would find the town. The snow fell so thick it was almost impossible to see where he was going."
For advertising, I would mostly advertise in my signature... And whenever a book came out I'd give a preview in a project, and a link to it in the notes.
When did you start working on that skill? Oh, years ago. Too many I care to count.
Signature, Projects, advert thread, another advert thread, more advert threads, etc.
Curated?? Really? Will NeilWest really do that?
humhumgames wrote:
Curated?? Really? Will NeilWest really do that?
I might be able to get him to... He likes high quality art. Maybe if we make the art in the project absolutely amazing he will curate it. I'll ask him when the project is done.
OK, so we'll need ideas first. Anyone got any?
We're also not doing the "Lost In London" thing, since it's close to the end of the olympics, so let's do...
Something that involves global warming...
I'm going to be too busy starting school, and I already run Bookworm, Phoenix, and the Scratch Market.