… 32&p=3
You're welcome.
That's the tapeworm boy pasta.
And this is tapeworm boy.
Last edited by weegeeissparta (2012-08-06 09:52:25)
weegeeissparta wrote: … 32&p=3
You're welcome.
That's tapeworm boy.
you didnt link to a specific post and its in the usermade thread which means its probably not a proper creepypasta since its probably not spread
I know... I don't know how to do that so you'll have to scroll down until you see my name.
I wass telling the people who tapeworm boy was. Wait, now I get it.
Last edited by weegeeissparta (2012-08-06 09:54:55)
weegeeissparta wrote:
I know... I don't know how to do that so you'll have to scroll down until you see my name.
I wass telling the people who tapeworm boy was. Wait, now I get it.
if you want to link to a specific post click on the date in the corner of the post then copy the url
Are there any good creepypastas for me to read?
I have read
Candle Cove
The Rake
Jeff the Killer
The Camcorder
Countless small ones
I am trying to find a good, genuinely chilling one like The Camcorder. Any ideas?
Last edited by mythbusteranimator (2012-08-06 10:01:14)
mythbusteranimator wrote:
Are there any good creepypastas for me to read?
I have read
Candle Cove
The Rake
Jeff the Killer
The Camcorder
Countless small ones
I am trying to find a good, genuinely chilling one like The Camcorder. Any ideas?
cue samid11 saying "cupcakes is not a creepypasta"
the ben ones are pretty cool, and they have videos to go along with em
777w wrote:
mythbusteranimator wrote:
Are there any good creepypastas for me to read?
I have read
Candle Cove
The Rake
Jeff the Killer
The Camcorder
Countless small ones
I am trying to find a good, genuinely chilling one like The Camcorder. Any ideas?cue samid11 saying "cupcakes is not a creepypasta"
the ben ones are pretty cool, and they have videos to go along with em
Yeah, read BEN.
nama wrote:
777w wrote:
mythbusteranimator wrote:
Are there any good creepypastas for me to read?
I have read
Candle Cove
The Rake
Jeff the Killer
The Camcorder
Countless small ones
I am trying to find a good, genuinely chilling one like The Camcorder. Any ideas?cue samid11 saying "cupcakes is not a creepypasta"
the ben ones are pretty cool, and they have videos to go along with emYeah, read BEN.
@777w, I know that Cupcakes isn't a creepypasta. But I was just listing it.
mythbusteranimator wrote:
nama wrote:
777w wrote:
cue samid11 saying "cupcakes is not a creepypasta"
the ben ones are pretty cool, and they have videos to go along with emYeah, read BEN.
@777w, I know that Cupcakes isn't a creepypasta. But I was just listing it.
actually cupcakes qualifies as a creepypasta perfectly fine, sami insists that it isnt though :L
777w wrote:
mythbusteranimator wrote:
nama wrote:
Yeah, read BEN.OK.
@777w, I know that Cupcakes isn't a creepypasta. But I was just listing it.actually cupcakes qualifies as a creepypasta perfectly fine, sami insists that it isnt though :L
Well, it is more of a gorefic.'
As one scratcher (probably sami) once said....Cupcakes=99% gore, 0.9%strange, 0.1%creepypasta.
mythbusteranimator wrote:
777w wrote:
mythbusteranimator wrote:
@777w, I know that Cupcakes isn't a creepypasta. But I was just listing it.actually cupcakes qualifies as a creepypasta perfectly fine, sami insists that it isnt though :L
Well, it is more of a gorefic.'
As one scratcher (probably sami) once said....Cupcakes=99% gore, 0.9%strange, 0.1%creepypasta.
if a story is creepy and its spread enough then technically its a creepypasta
ZedProduction wrote:
Me and my cousin cyle once went on a trip to the forest with my parents. It was supposed to be fun. We had rented out A small cabin in the middle of the woods. Little did we know that our experience in this woods would be the scariest experience of our lives. A thing you should know about my brother, he losses everything. We had to wait for him for 30 minuets before we could leave for the woods because we had to wait for him to find his shoes. You'll know what I mean when I start telling the story.
"There it is!" my mother said. We had gust pulled up to a large looking, log cabin. I groaned. I would have Ben twice as happy to gust, stay at home! Everyone piled out of the car, and went in. I asked my mom why she wanted to come hear anyway. But she gust said that we needed a good vacation, and some fresh air.But I knew the truth. My dad needed to do some stupid research on birds for his job, and my cousin lived in they area. They probably gust didn't want to pay for a baby sitter.
After we got out of the car, my dad told me and my cousin to help take the food and water into the house. After we got in, my mom asked my cousin where the half of ou're food was that he had carried in (we were only staying for one weekend). He gust shrugged, and grinned. After a harsh yelling at by my mom, she told me and my cousin to go up to ou're room. I was half way up the stair case when i realized what she had gust said. "You mean I'm not getting my own room?!?" I said. "Well, the house is pretty small, and it cost quite a lot of money...." she said.
I let out an exasperated sign and went up to 'you're' room. Inside, there was a table, a drawer, a mirror on the drawer, and a bunk bed. From my first and ONLY visit to creepy pasta wiki, I knew that you always check under the bed. The experience still haunts me today (I mean the trip to the wiki, not looking under the bed, gust for clarification). So, I looked under the bed. That's when the first strange thing happens. There was a peace of paper, and that was it. So, I grabbed it. It was A civil complaint sheet, and it read "I saw him in the woods today, wonder what he wants." and then in more bold and larger print all over the page, there was stuff like "WHAT DOES HE WANT?", "HELP HELP HELP", "DON'T GO OUTSIDE", "LEAVE ME ALONE", etc. At the top in ever larger print was the same words written over and over, SLENDER MAN SLENDER MAN SLENDER MAN SLENDER MAN SLENDERM and then there was blood splashed all over the top of the page. I looked it over a couple times, and then someone snatched it out of my hands. It was my stupid cousin. He looked it over, and then looked at me with a wild grin, and said OOH SCARY the laughing, he ran out of the room. I chased after him, and yelled for him to give it back, but he wouldn't listen. After about half an hour he got bored and told me that I had won. But when I asked him if he would give it back, he said he didn't know where it was.
The next day, my mom and dad made us come on a walk. I was on the lookout for this "Slender man" guy, and was pretty reluctant to leave the house, but sense I didn't have the picture to show them, she made us go anyway, thinking I was pranking them or some shiz. Nothing too eventful happened, except when we got back, my cousin had lost his jacket.
That evening, my parents went to to get some food from the supermarket, and said that they were going to be gone for an hour or two. I told them to hurry back. Four hours later, they were not back, and I was panicking. "Dude, there probably gust late or something." Said cyle, obviously not concerned. "No, I swear, he's out there, or ITS out there, I know it! It's evil, it's hungry..." I paused, and then thought of the jacket that cyle lost. I groaned. "And now he knows our sent!" "Whatever, dude, you're gust overeat-" and then he screamed. I looked over, and there was A tall man, easily 10 feet. He was waring a suit, and had several black tentacles coming out of his back. But the most stunning feature was that he had no face. It was completely blank, white, like the rest of his body except for his black suit and dress pants. I ran half-way up the stairs when I noticed my cousin was not running. He was transfixed, in shock, looking strait at the thing (slender man for sure, i thought). I watched, helplessly, as the thing began to entangle my cousin with one arm, witch was stretching, like a vine. It slowly began to open it's hidden mouth, parting the skin on it's face, reveling A hole in it's face big enough to fit in a tree. It lowered it in, and pulled out something. It dropped my cousin, and then the thing, witch i relies is a blue jacket, on the ground. "You forgot you're jacket, idiot." it said, in a deep broken accent, and waked out of the room.
My cousin never forgot anything, ever again, they end.
They End?
That slaps me on the knee.
weegeeissparta wrote:
They End?
That slaps me on the knee.
that slaps me on the knee?
that sounds just as awkward
The Smiling Cat
I remember the first time I saw him. I was taking a night walk like I sometimes do. I was never scared to go out at night. My neighborhood never had any crime bigger than shoplifting or speeding. I was taking a walk through a local park, and I had just sat down on a bench, underneath a lamp-post. This dark black cat walked out in front of me. I thought I heard him purring, and he didn't seem like he was going to hurt me, so I reached out and started to pet him. He began to purr louder and brush up against my leg, as cats do. I could have sworn he looked like he was almost smiling at me. Something made a rustle in a bush up ahead, and he bolted off. It was getting pretty late, so I started to walk home.
I got to my door, and right as I put in my key, I heard a meow from right behind me. I turned around, and there was that same cat, sitting up, looking right at me. Now I know you aren't supposed to feed wild animals, but I couldn't help it. He looked so hungry. I went inside, and hurriedly got a small paper plate, and put some small slices of ham on it. I opened the door to give it to him, but he was gone. So I set the plate down right outside my front door.
After that I went to bed, as it was around 11:30. That night I woke up to something tapping on my window. I would have been a bit scared, had I not been too sleepy to comprehend anything. I turned over in my bed to see that same cat, sitting up, right on my window sill. He was definitely smiling now. I could see the slightest hint of white near his mouth, as his teeth were just barely showing. His tail was flopping happily, and bouncing against my window in the process. I didn't notice at that moment, but I did realize something later that day. I always keep my blinds down and closed, and my curtains over the window. But when I saw the cat, the curtains were parted and the blinds were up.
I woke up that day, not even remembering that sight, and got ready for my usual day. Fast forward a few hours, I don't want to bother with details. I left my work office, not 30 minutes away from my house, and there, in the parking lot, right beside my car, was that same cat. Sitting and smiling, looking right at me. At this point, I knew something was up. I called animal control, and they came and caught him. I had a lot more peace of mind for the rest of the day, until that night.
I didn't take a walk that night, as I was a bit unnerved about that cat. In fact, I don't think I even left the house for the rest of the day. Right before I fell asleep, I could have sworn I heard pawing on my bedroom door, but I dismissed it as my laundry machine, or some other common sound. But that morning, I awoke to something terrifying. The same cat was laying right there on the end of my bed, asleep, still with that smile on his face. I had had enough. I knew I would probably have animal rights people down my throat about what I was going to do, but I didn't care. I grabbed that cat by the neck, threw it into the backyard, and beat it to death with a shovel. Throughout the whole 10 minute process, he did not meow or hiss even once. When I had regained control of my thoughts and actions, the cat was barely recognizable. His front two legs were broken, his right ear was torn, and his face had a huge dent in it. I couldn't believe what I had done. I didn't have to come to work that day, so I put his mangled corpse in a box, drove far out of the city, and buried it near a forest on the side of the road. Do you know why? Because I'm a jerk.
I was really shaken up about this. How had that cat gotten inside my bedroom, let alone my house? I didn't want to think about it. I got some lunch from a fast-food restaurant and went home to take a nap. I was exhausted, and it was only 12:30. I guess I slept all through the day, but I wish I had slept longer. I woke up on my own, and was immidiately compelled to look to my window and saw what has scarred me for the rest of my life. It was that cat, with all his damaged body, smiling larger than ever before, and staring right at me. His eyes were pitch black, as if his pupils had enlarged his entire eye. He looked at me and he started to dance... His broken limbs flailing about in an unnatural manner, his left leg was still bent the wrong way, and his ear was still torn. I screamed and ran for my life, got in my car, and drove as far away from that city as possible. I'm now trying to start a new life in a new state, and I'll be darned if I ever interact with any wild animals ever again.
I don't read creepypastas (or is it creepypastae?), but if you guys are looking for some, I suggest you look at most of the ones by Lolkid332 here and here.
EDIT: Oh goodness I spelled his/her name wrong.
Last edited by SplatKirby (2012-08-06 14:26:31)
samid11 wrote:
The Smiling Cat
I remember the first time I saw him. I was taking a night walk like I sometimes do. I was never scared to go out at night. My neighborhood never had any crime bigger than shoplifting or speeding. I was taking a walk through a local park, and I had just sat down on a bench, underneath a lamp-post. This dark black cat walked out in front of me. I thought I heard him purring, and he didn't seem like he was going to hurt me, so I reached out and started to pet him. He began to purr louder and brush up against my leg, as cats do. I could have sworn he looked like he was almost smiling at me. Something made a rustle in a bush up ahead, and he bolted off. It was getting pretty late, so I started to walk home.
I got to my door, and right as I put in my key, I heard a meow from right behind me. I turned around, and there was that same cat, sitting up, looking right at me. Now I know you aren't supposed to feed wild animals, but I couldn't help it. He looked so hungry. I went inside, and hurriedly got a small paper plate, and put some small slices of ham on it. I opened the door to give it to him, but he was gone. So I set the plate down right outside my front door.
After that I went to bed, as it was around 11:30. That night I woke up to something tapping on my window. I would have been a bit scared, had I not been too sleepy to comprehend anything. I turned over in my bed to see that same cat, sitting up, right on my window sill. He was definitely smiling now. I could see the slightest hint of white near his mouth, as his teeth were just barely showing. His tail was flopping happily, and bouncing against my window in the process. I didn't notice at that moment, but I did realize something later that day. I always keep my blinds down and closed, and my curtains over the window. But when I saw the cat, the curtains were parted and the blinds were up.
I woke up that day, not even remembering that sight, and got ready for my usual day. Fast forward a few hours, I don't want to bother with details. I left my work office, not 30 minutes away from my house, and there, in the parking lot, right beside my car, was that same cat. Sitting and smiling, looking right at me. At this point, I knew something was up. I called animal control, and they came and caught him. I had a lot more peace of mind for the rest of the day, until that night.
I didn't take a walk that night, as I was a bit unnerved about that cat. In fact, I don't think I even left the house for the rest of the day. Right before I fell asleep, I could have sworn I heard pawing on my bedroom door, but I dismissed it as my laundry machine, or some other common sound. But that morning, I awoke to something terrifying. The same cat was laying right there on the end of my bed, asleep, still with that smile on his face. I had had enough. I knew I would probably have animal rights people down my throat about what I was going to do, but I didn't care. I grabbed that cat by the neck, threw it into the backyard, and beat it to death with a shovel. Throughout the whole 10 minute process, he did not meow or hiss even once. When I had regained control of my thoughts and actions, the cat was barely recognizable. His front two legs were broken, his right ear was torn, and his face had a huge dent in it. I couldn't believe what I had done. I didn't have to come to work that day, so I put his mangled corpse in a box, drove far out of the city, and buried it near a forest on the side of the road. Do you know why? Because I'm a jerk.
I was really shaken up about this. How had that cat gotten inside my bedroom, let alone my house? I didn't want to think about it. I got some lunch from a fast-food restaurant and went home to take a nap. I was exhausted, and it was only 12:30. I guess I slept all through the day, but I wish I had slept longer. I woke up on my own, and was immidiately compelled to look to my window and saw what has scarred me for the rest of my life. It was that cat, with all his damaged body, smiling larger than ever before, and staring right at me. His eyes were pitch black, as if his pupils had enlarged his entire eye. He looked at me and he started to dance... His broken limbs flailing about in an unnatural manner, his left leg was still bent the wrong way, and his ear was still torn. I screamed and ran for my life, got in my car, and drove as far away from that city as possible. I'm now trying to start a new life in a new state, and I'll be darned if I ever interact with any wild animals ever again.
ZedProduction wrote:
samid11 wrote:
The Smiling Cat
I remember the first time I saw him. I was taking a night walk like I sometimes do. I was never scared to go out at night. My neighborhood never had any crime bigger than shoplifting or speeding. I was taking a walk through a local park, and I had just sat down on a bench, underneath a lamp-post. This dark black cat walked out in front of me. I thought I heard him purring, and he didn't seem like he was going to hurt me, so I reached out and started to pet him. He began to purr louder and brush up against my leg, as cats do. I could have sworn he looked like he was almost smiling at me. Something made a rustle in a bush up ahead, and he bolted off. It was getting pretty late, so I started to walk home.
I got to my door, and right as I put in my key, I heard a meow from right behind me. I turned around, and there was that same cat, sitting up, looking right at me. Now I know you aren't supposed to feed wild animals, but I couldn't help it. He looked so hungry. I went inside, and hurriedly got a small paper plate, and put some small slices of ham on it. I opened the door to give it to him, but he was gone. So I set the plate down right outside my front door.
After that I went to bed, as it was around 11:30. That night I woke up to something tapping on my window. I would have been a bit scared, had I not been too sleepy to comprehend anything. I turned over in my bed to see that same cat, sitting up, right on my window sill. He was definitely smiling now. I could see the slightest hint of white near his mouth, as his teeth were just barely showing. His tail was flopping happily, and bouncing against my window in the process. I didn't notice at that moment, but I did realize something later that day. I always keep my blinds down and closed, and my curtains over the window. But when I saw the cat, the curtains were parted and the blinds were up.
I woke up that day, not even remembering that sight, and got ready for my usual day. Fast forward a few hours, I don't want to bother with details. I left my work office, not 30 minutes away from my house, and there, in the parking lot, right beside my car, was that same cat. Sitting and smiling, looking right at me. At this point, I knew something was up. I called animal control, and they came and caught him. I had a lot more peace of mind for the rest of the day, until that night.
I didn't take a walk that night, as I was a bit unnerved about that cat. In fact, I don't think I even left the house for the rest of the day. Right before I fell asleep, I could have sworn I heard pawing on my bedroom door, but I dismissed it as my laundry machine, or some other common sound. But that morning, I awoke to something terrifying. The same cat was laying right there on the end of my bed, asleep, still with that smile on his face. I had had enough. I knew I would probably have animal rights people down my throat about what I was going to do, but I didn't care. I grabbed that cat by the neck, threw it into the backyard, and beat it to death with a shovel. Throughout the whole 10 minute process, he did not meow or hiss even once. When I had regained control of my thoughts and actions, the cat was barely recognizable. His front two legs were broken, his right ear was torn, and his face had a huge dent in it. I couldn't believe what I had done. I didn't have to come to work that day, so I put his mangled corpse in a box, drove far out of the city, and buried it near a forest on the side of the road. Do you know why? Because I'm a jerk.
I was really shaken up about this. How had that cat gotten inside my bedroom, let alone my house? I didn't want to think about it. I got some lunch from a fast-food restaurant and went home to take a nap. I was exhausted, and it was only 12:30. I guess I slept all through the day, but I wish I had slept longer. I woke up on my own, and was immidiately compelled to look to my window and saw what has scarred me for the rest of my life. It was that cat, with all his damaged body, smiling larger than ever before, and staring right at me. His eyes were pitch black, as if his pupils had enlarged his entire eye. He looked at me and he started to dance... His broken limbs flailing about in an unnatural manner, his left leg was still bent the wrong way, and his ear was still torn. I screamed and ran for my life, got in my car, and drove as far away from that city as possible. I'm now trying to start a new life in a new state, and I'll be darned if I ever interact with any wild animals ever again.YOU MADE A SMILES CAT PASTA? I THOUGHT YOU HATED HIM!
ZedProduction wrote:
samid11 wrote:
cut out pasta
First of all, samid11 didn't make that pasta.
Second of all, this is exactly the problem she has with the Grinny/Similecat things- people always think the "Smiling Cat" pasta is about Grinny when it isn't.
Also, no need to post the message twice in a row.
nama wrote:
ZedProduction wrote:
samid11 wrote:
cut out pasta
First of all, samid11 didn't make that pasta.
Second of all, this is exactly the problem she has with the Grinny/Similecat things- people always think the "Smiling Cat" pasta is about Grinny when it isn't.
Also, no need to post the message twice in a row.
The Smiling Cat was made WAY before Grinny. I love the smiling cat.
Grinny on the other hand is ANNOYING AS HECK. And ever since he was made people have thought he was a creepypasta, thus leading them to find the smiling cat and assume that it's Grinny when it's not.
samid11 wrote:
nama wrote:
ZedProduction wrote:
YOU MADE A SMILES CAT PASTA? I THOUGHT YOU HATED HIM!First of all, samid11 didn't make that pasta.
Second of all, this is exactly the problem she has with the Grinny/Similecat things- people always think the "Smiling Cat" pasta is about Grinny when it isn't.
Also, no need to post the message twice in a row.Exactly.
The Smiling Cat was made WAY before Grinny. I love the smiling cat.
Grinny on the other hand is ANNOYING AS HECK. And ever since he was made people have thought he was a creepypasta, thus leading them to find the smiling cat and assume that it's Grinny when it's not.
again, if its creepy and spread enough its a creepypasta, whether its a copy or not
777w wrote:
samid11 wrote:
nama wrote:
First of all, samid11 didn't make that pasta.
Second of all, this is exactly the problem she has with the Grinny/Similecat things- people always think the "Smiling Cat" pasta is about Grinny when it isn't.
Also, no need to post the message twice in a row.Exactly.
The Smiling Cat was made WAY before Grinny. I love the smiling cat.
Grinny on the other hand is ANNOYING AS HECK. And ever since he was made people have thought he was a creepypasta, thus leading them to find the smiling cat and assume that it's Grinny when it's not.again, if its creepy and spread enough its a creepypasta, whether its a copy or not
Grinny's not creepy. He's about as scary as a paper cup.
samid11 wrote:
777w wrote:
samid11 wrote:
The Smiling Cat was made WAY before Grinny. I love the smiling cat.
Grinny on the other hand is ANNOYING AS HECK. And ever since he was made people have thought he was a creepypasta, thus leading them to find the smiling cat and assume that it's Grinny when it's not.again, if its creepy and spread enough its a creepypasta, whether its a copy or not
Grinny's not creepy. He's about as scary as a paper cup.
other people may have different opinions, i think if people consider something a creepypasta then its a creepypasta
nama wrote:
ZedProduction wrote:
samid11 wrote:
cut out pasta
First of all, samid11 didn't make that pasta.
Second of all, this is exactly the problem she has with the Grinny/Similecat things- people always think the "Smiling Cat" pasta is about Grinny when it isn't.
Also, no need to post the message twice in a row.
"no need to post the messege twice in a row"
I spelled hated hared and i don't know how to edit.
also, i got it after looking at sami's project again. sorry
samid11 wrote:
That pasta makes me cry. :`(
I found it yesterday trying to look up SMILE Cat. Yet again, I found a totally hilarious pic, along with the Jeff the Killer pic, SMILE, and SMILEdog.