Okay, so first you need to download.
Then use the arrow keys to switch costumes and space to stamp.
Once you're done, press scan.
Then, show the list "forest items".
Copy it by highlighting it, then pressing ctrl-c.
Then press "r" on your keyboard.
Now, mouse over the dialogue box, and click on it, then, press ctrl-v to paste.
It will now render.
However, it automatic shows up as rocks! What is the problem?
Last edited by berberberber (2012-08-03 18:03:19)
berberberber wrote:
Bump only if your topic is on page 2 or lower.
Ok form what I see, your import script is fatally flawed. You ask the question, but the script does not use (answer)! Instead you are taking data from the list? I think you need to delete all of [forest items] then add answer to it, THEN start parsing the script.
Also the way things are stamped is poor, you should use arrays instead of color-sensing if you want awesome graphics and a faster save.
also there should Not be spaces in the code - it messes everything up. You have 0_0_0_2 when it should be 0002.
Last edited by Wes64 (2012-08-03 19:06:09)
berberberber wrote:
Okay, thanks.
Also, I don't know how to use arrays.
Arrays as in lists?
Well, to use one, you go into variables and click "create a list". You can name it whatever you want. Then, you can add items to it using:
You can also delete items if you don't want them. For example:addpietoFood ▼
Lists can be very helpful if you need to keep track of a lot of items. For example, I could create a list called "Food" and whenever I make a food, I add it to Food, but when I eat a food, I delete the eaten food from Food. Now, by using a list, I don't have to use multiple variables and time is saved.deleteitem 2 ▼ofFood ▼
Last edited by ErnieParke (2012-08-03 20:11:37)
I know that.
A list:
b b b b
An array:
b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b
Anyway, wes64, now it renders ahead of when it's supposed to! What now?
When you say it's rendering ahead, what do you mean?
Well, you make a level, then you would post a code, and then me and Yoshiboy might add it to our game.
berberberber wrote:
Well, you make a level, then you would post a code, and then me and Yoshiboy might add it to our game.
I went through and tried a few things, one was changing if xposition > 232 to if xposition = 232, it stopped it offsetting but cut off the last line
Can you do something that doesn't cut of the last line?
Last edited by berberberber (2012-08-05 16:03:53)
berberberber wrote:
Can you do something that doesn't cut of the last line?
I guess you could dupe the code from inside the repeat, and put it on the end and it might work, or it might just cause the problem over again
You mean this topic right? You just gave me a link to the whole forum, not a specific topic. Ill see what I can do.
Is it ok if I totally restructure everything you've got or do you want me to fix it? I can make it much much better by using arrays.
I explained everything with comment blocks in the project. If questions as me! This was a quite fun thing to do actually.
Last edited by Wes64 (2012-08-05 21:16:53)