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#601 2012-08-03 16:27:40

Registered: 2009-02-10
Posts: 1000+

Re: User-made Scary Stories

CakePopAnimation wrote:

777w wrote:

samid11 wrote:


this also goes for lost episodes and creepy tv shows, those are done too much and never really have anything new

Aww I know its been done before but that doesn't mean someone can have a fresh take on it :3 Everyone should be able to write about the same thing in different ways. Sure, copying the pasta and changing like one thing is a different story, but let people be inspired by the real pastas and make one about a similar plot.
Plus my Flapjack pasta is gonna be different if I can.

if it has a similar plot then its not really unique or new, if you can do something different with the idea then its fine but mostly its just the same pasta over and over



#602 2012-08-04 03:41:10

Registered: 2010-01-06
Posts: 1000+

Re: User-made Scary Stories


I remember that it was the day after I watched Tron: Legacy. I was really bored and wanted to do something that I'd never done before. Toddlers and Tiaras? Never in a million years. My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic? Only if I was desperate. It was apparent that TV wasn't the answer, so doing something outside was.

I went to meet up with my friend, Gareth. He knows the town by the back of his hand, all the houses, the buildings, anything interesting. That's why I went to him for some advice on what to do during that day. He knew exactly what I could do: visit the abandoned arcade down on 8th Street.

"No-one's been there since that Polybius incident. But to be honest, Polybius isn't there anymore. But it'd be a laugh to see what other c****y 80's games are there." Gareth said.

Me and Gareth set out to the arcade. Everything was either dusty, broken or covered in cloth. Except that one of the machines was on. It was called Darezzed. When I looked at it, it flashed alive and was ready to play. Then I remembered the opening scene in Tron: Legacy, where Sam sees the arcade machine buzzing alive.

I stepped forward, thinking that it was a Tron: Legacy rip-off game. I entered a quarter, and the game began. It was like Tron, where you had to race, and avoid the enemy's tail of neon. But this time, I was red, and the enemy was blue. There was no music, no speech, just two bikes racing.

The only thing I could control was where the bike went, I couldn't pause, or attack with discs. Then I heard a whisper, and it was strange considering the fact that this thing had no sound (apparently), then I heard it again. I couldn't stop playing. I didn't die, either that I was really good, or the AI was really easy.

Then I heard the whisper, and I could tell that it said, 'why are you the red?' I was wondering why I was the red and not the blue. Then the game shut itself off. All the lights went off. But I could still hear the whispers. Gareth was still there, but I couldn't see him. This was probably a black-out.

When I got home, my mum asked me a question, 'why are you the red?'. I backed a little, thinking how she knew. How everyone knew, why I was the red. Because it wasn't just mum, on my journey back, every stared at me and asked why I was the red. I couldn't answer, because I didn't know why.

When I went on my Xbox to play Call of Duty, everyone on the game kept saying, 'why are you the red?' But it wasn't just the audio, it was also on the text chat. Plus, all the users were called, 'WhyAreYouTheRed'. I went on twitter, and my feed was dominated by people asking the question, even with the username.

I didn't know, I didn't know. I didn't know. I couldn't say it anymore, everyone asked me all day, all night, all year. I would find myself crying myself to sleep saying, 'I didn't know'. I would reply the same thing, physically and virtually, but they would keep asking. They wouldn't say anything.

Why don't they stop? Then I knew what had to be done, I'd need to hack the ROM so I would be the blue. I did hack a ROM on an arcade machine once, so I knew what I was doing. I came to the arcade again (the light's were on) and plugged in my laptop into the arcade machine. I entered the code and started modifying.

Once I was done, I tested it out. I entered another quarter and began. I was the blue, and my enemy was the red! Success! But one thing wasn't right, the whispers were louder, but I couldn't tell what they were saying. I would see the game glitch from time to time. In fact, I'm certain I a picture of myself flash in the background.

Then the picture flashed, and then showed. It was a picture of me, after committing suicide. I don't know how, I don't know when. But it wasn't a nice picture. I got home, and I hoped that my mum would say something else, but she said, 'Why hack? Why hack life?' Wherever I went that day, people would ask me that.

I had it. I went up to the top of the arcade and jumped. I hope they stop asking now. I do hope.

Last edited by NeilWest (2012-08-04 03:46:35)



#603 2012-08-04 04:02:26

Registered: 2009-12-06
Posts: 1000+

Re: User-made Scary Stories

nama wrote:

mythbusteranimator wrote:

Has there been a creepypasata about a video game that turns out to be real life?

That sounds like somehing that is so obviously creepypasta material that there HAS to be one.

But obviously not a good one.

cause a bird and a fish could fall in love/but where would they live?



#604 2012-08-04 06:18:35

Registered: 2012-05-23
Posts: 100+

Re: User-made Scary Stories

what is creepy pasta.



#605 2012-08-04 07:18:30

Registered: 2012-03-18
Posts: 1000+

Re: User-made Scary Stories

Pants98 wrote:

what is creepy pasta.

Scary spaghetti. X]
No, creepypasta is basically a scary story. Usually creepypastas are a combination of horror and science fiction.  wink



#606 2012-08-04 07:46:50

Registered: 2009-02-10
Posts: 1000+

Re: User-made Scary Stories

Zangooser wrote:

Pants98 wrote:

what is creepy pasta.

Scary spaghetti. X]
No, creepypasta is basically a scary story. Usually creepypastas are a combination of horror and science fiction.  wink

its a bit more than just "scary story" its based of "copypasta" which is just a story spread around the internet, which means creepypasta has to be spread too to qualify



#607 2012-08-04 13:35:42

Registered: 2012-07-23
Posts: 28

Re: User-made Scary Stories

I should post a creepypasta!



#608 2012-08-04 13:43:17

Registered: 2012-07-23
Posts: 28

Re: User-made Scary Stories

NeilWest wrote:


I remember that it was the day after I watched Tron: Legacy. I was really bored and wanted to do something that I'd never done before. Toddlers and Tiaras? Never in a million years. My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic? Only if I was desperate. It was apparent that TV wasn't the answer, so doing something outside was.

I went to meet up with my friend, Gareth. He knows the town by the back of his hand, all the houses, the buildings, anything interesting. That's why I went to him for some advice on what to do during that day. He knew exactly what I could do: visit the abandoned arcade down on 8th Street.

"No-one's been there since that Polybius incident. But to be honest, Polybius isn't there anymore. But it'd be a laugh to see what other c****y 80's games are there." Gareth said.

Me and Gareth set out to the arcade. Everything was either dusty, broken or covered in cloth. Except that one of the machines was on. It was called Darezzed. When I looked at it, it flashed alive and was ready to play. Then I remembered the opening scene in Tron: Legacy, where Sam sees the arcade machine buzzing alive.

I stepped forward, thinking that it was a Tron: Legacy rip-off game. I entered a quarter, and the game began. It was like Tron, where you had to race, and avoid the enemy's tail of neon. But this time, I was red, and the enemy was blue. There was no music, no speech, just two bikes racing.

The only thing I could control was where the bike went, I couldn't pause, or attack with discs. Then I heard a whisper, and it was strange considering the fact that this thing had no sound (apparently), then I heard it again. I couldn't stop playing. I didn't die, either that I was really good, or the AI was really easy.

Then I heard the whisper, and I could tell that it said, 'why are you the red?' I was wondering why I was the red and not the blue. Then the game shut itself off. All the lights went off. But I could still hear the whispers. Gareth was still there, but I couldn't see him. This was probably a black-out.

When I got home, my mum asked me a question, 'why are you the red?'. I backed a little, thinking how she knew. How everyone knew, why I was the red. Because it wasn't just mum, on my journey back, every stared at me and asked why I was the red. I couldn't answer, because I didn't know why.

When I went on my Xbox to play Call of Duty, everyone on the game kept saying, 'why are you the red?' But it wasn't just the audio, it was also on the text chat. Plus, all the users were called, 'WhyAreYouTheRed'. I went on twitter, and my feed was dominated by people asking the question, even with the username.

I didn't know, I didn't know. I didn't know. I couldn't say it anymore, everyone asked me all day, all night, all year. I would find myself crying myself to sleep saying, 'I didn't know'. I would reply the same thing, physically and virtually, but they would keep asking. They wouldn't say anything.

Why don't they stop? Then I knew what had to be done, I'd need to hack the ROM so I would be the blue. I did hack a ROM on an arcade machine once, so I knew what I was doing. I came to the arcade again (the light's were on) and plugged in my laptop into the arcade machine. I entered the code and started modifying.

Once I was done, I tested it out. I entered another quarter and began. I was the blue, and my enemy was the red! Success! But one thing wasn't right, the whispers were louder, but I couldn't tell what they were saying. I would see the game glitch from time to time. In fact, I'm certain I a picture of myself flash in the background.

Then the picture flashed, and then showed. It was a picture of me, after committing suicide. I don't know how, I don't know when. But it wasn't a nice picture. I got home, and I hoped that my mum would say something else, but she said, 'Why hack? Why hack life?' Wherever I went that day, people would ask me that.

I had it. I went up to the top of the arcade and jumped. I hope they stop asking now. I do hope.

Whoa dude. This had no gore at all, and almost no violence, and is scared me and left me confused and creeped out! I love stories that do that (duh I'm on a creepypasta forum) and this one succeded.



#609 2012-08-04 14:20:24

Registered: 2012-07-23
Posts: 28

Re: User-made Scary Stories

I had been at work for most of the night. After hours of paperwork, working on presentations, and writing reports, I was finally finished. I said bye to the few people left in the building at 3AM and left. I noticed what looked like a teenager in a hooded sweat jacket staring at me as I entered my car. I thought about him the whole time I drove. I finally pulled into my driveway at 3:30. I got out of my car, trying to forget about the guy I saw. As I walked toward my front door, I noticed that it was slightly open. Worried, I slowly walked into my house. All of the lights were off. That got me even more worried. My wife never, ever turns off all of the lights. “Honey?”  I call out, hoping that my wife is fine. I hear nothing. Even wore worried, I dash upstairs and open our bedroom door. I fell back, in shock. My eyes widened as I looked around the scene. My wife was laying on our bed, one arm hanging off. A sickening smile was carved into her face. On the wall behind the bed, a message was written in blood. It said, “Isn’t she beautiful?” I sat up. Suddenly I felt an arm wrap around my neck. A blade touched my face. “Wha..” I managed to say before he cut me off. “Do you like my work?” “What?...who…are…you?” “You can call me Jeff. But that’s not the point. I had asked you a question.”  “Why?!” I screamed, tears filling my eyes. “Why did you do this to her!?” Jeff moved the blade to my neck. “Because she was ugly. I was only trying to help.” I could feel his knife dig into my neck. “Stop! Please! Ple-” That is when I felt a sharp pain in my throat. Jeff let go of me, and I fell to the floor. I couldn’t move. I was chocking on my own blood. I saw Jeff leave the room as everything faded into black.



#610 2012-08-04 14:30:36

Registered: 2009-05-02
Posts: 1000+

Re: User-made Scary Stories

Wiccan wrote:

I had been at work for most of the night. After hours of paperwork, working on presentations, and writing reports, I was finally finished. I said bye to the few people left in the building at 3AM and left. I noticed what looked like a teenager in a hooded sweat jacket staring at me as I entered my car. I thought about him the whole time I drove. I finally pulled into my driveway at 3:30. I got out of my car, trying to forget about the guy I saw. As I walked toward my front door, I noticed that it was slightly open. Worried, I slowly walked into my house. All of the lights were off. That got me even more worried. My wife never, ever turns off all of the lights. “Honey?”  I call out, hoping that my wife is fine. I hear nothing. Even wore worried, I dash upstairs and open our bedroom door. I fell back, in shock. My eyes widened as I looked around the scene. My wife was laying on our bed, one arm hanging off. A sickening smile was carved into her face. On the wall behind the bed, a message was written in blood. It said, “Isn’t she beautiful?” I sat up. Suddenly I felt an arm wrap around my neck. A blade touched my face. “Wha..” I managed to say before he cut me off. “Do you like my work?” “What?...who…are…you?” “You can call me Jeff. But that’s not the point. I had asked you a question.”  “Why?!” I screamed, tears filling my eyes. “Why did you do this to her!?” Jeff moved the blade to my neck. “Because she was ugly. I was only trying to help.” I could feel his knife dig into my neck. “Stop! Please! Ple-” That is when I felt a sharp pain in my throat. Jeff let go of me, and I fell to the floor. I couldn’t move. I was chocking on my own blood. I saw Jeff leave the room as everything faded into black.

Pretty good! I liked it.

"One person's craziness is another person's reality" - Tim Burton



#611 2012-08-04 14:40:20

Registered: 2012-07-23
Posts: 28

Re: User-made Scary Stories

samid11 wrote:

Pretty good! I liked it.

Thanks. Next time I should work on a better plot, though XD



#612 2012-08-04 15:32:46

Registered: 2012-01-19
Posts: 1000+

Re: User-made Scary Stories

weegeeissparta wrote:

Samid11 wrote:

In other words, you want the worst pasta ever. … bobgif.gif
Haters gonna hate.


I am writing your pants pasta.



#613 2012-08-04 15:44:07

Registered: 2012-06-04
Posts: 8

Re: User-made Scary Stories

My brother linked me to this forum and I want to try making stories, but I just have one question: Do the stories have to be based off of other creepypastas? Or can we create our own creepypasta characters and stories?

Please answer, thanks.



#614 2012-08-04 16:20:14

Registered: 2012-01-19
Posts: 1000+

Re: User-made Scary Stories

Anyone else read my creepypasta?



#615 2012-08-04 16:52:52

Registered: 2011-05-18
Posts: 100+

Re: User-made Scary Stories

Brightshadow1 wrote:

My brother linked me to this forum and I want to try making stories, but I just have one question: Do the stories have to be based off of other creepypastas? Or can we create our own creepypasta characters and stories?

Please answer, thanks.

I think 77W(owner of this topic) doesn't like stories about already done pastas.
But go ahead and make one based off another if you feel like it
You don't have to do what everyone says.  smile oh simon <3



#616 2012-08-04 16:57:33

Registered: 2012-07-23
Posts: 28

Re: User-made Scary Stories

CakePopAnimation wrote:

Brightshadow1 wrote:

My brother linked me to this forum and I want to try making stories, but I just have one question: Do the stories have to be based off of other creepypastas? Or can we create our own creepypasta characters and stories?

Please answer, thanks.

I think 77W(owner of this topic) doesn't like stories about already done pastas.
But go ahead and make one based off another if you feel like it
You don't have to do what everyone says.  smile

I think she wants to know if she has to use creepypasta characters, or if she can use her own OCs.



#617 2012-08-04 16:57:34

New Scratcher
Registered: 2012-05-20
Posts: 5

Re: User-made Scary Stories

One day, i haved an idea for make a game,but when i played the game,appeared amaru with blood in the eyes  the background was entirely black  and the logo appeared writed with blood in TV , later i seen for all parts of my own house, and was nope in there,but in my bedroom only appeared the console.and just the blood dissapeared , i  played already my own game instead of  the ''1 player'' appeared '' click the 2 player button ''' i just dissapeared. but i was in another planet called ''Z=o+M*b+-*/.inet'' and i cant see my house by some reason i was of another type i don't was an human my mom called me but in the house was writed with blood ''AMARU IS IN ANOTHER PLANET'' my mom just died but i appeared and i cryed blood

Creepy? or not ?



#618 2012-08-04 17:00:22

Registered: 2011-09-03
Posts: 500+

Re: User-made Scary Stories

Uh.... I didn't understand that at all.

"DAD, MOM HAS DEAD!" -Henry Freeman



#619 2012-08-04 17:00:57

Registered: 2012-07-23
Posts: 28

Re: User-made Scary Stories

amaru2005 wrote:

One day, i haved an idea for make a game,but when i played the game,appeared amaru with blood in the eyes  the background was entirely black  and the logo appeared writed with blood in TV , later i seen for all parts of my own house, and was nope in there,but in my bedroom only appeared the console.and just the blood dissapeared , i  played already my own game instead of  the ''1 player'' appeared '' click the 2 player button ''' i just dissapeared. but i was in another planet called ''Z=o+M*b+-*/.inet'' and i cant see my house by some reason i was of another type i don't was an human my mom called me but in the house was writed with blood ''AMARU IS IN ANOTHER PLANET'' my mom just died but i appeared and i cryed blood

Creepy? or not ?

No offense, but it's rather confusing.



#620 2012-08-04 17:08:58

Registered: 2009-05-02
Posts: 1000+

Re: User-made Scary Stories

amaru2005 wrote:

One day, i haved an idea for make a game,but when i played the game,appeared amaru with blood in the eyes  the background was entirely black  and the logo appeared writed with blood in TV , later i seen for all parts of my own house, and was nope in there,but in my bedroom only appeared the console.and just the blood dissapeared , i  played already my own game instead of  the ''1 player'' appeared '' click the 2 player button ''' i just dissapeared. but i was in another planet called ''Z=o+M*b+-*/.inet'' and i cant see my house by some reason i was of another type i don't was an human my mom called me but in the house was writed with blood ''AMARU IS IN ANOTHER PLANET'' my mom just died but i appeared and i cryed blood

Creepy? or not ?


"One person's craziness is another person's reality" - Tim Burton



#621 2012-08-04 17:13:43

Registered: 2011-09-03
Posts: 500+

Re: User-made Scary Stories

I think I might be able to re write it so it can make sense... But I can't make any sense out of it. So I can't

"DAD, MOM HAS DEAD!" -Henry Freeman



#622 2012-08-04 17:16:29

Registered: 2012-07-23
Posts: 28

Re: User-made Scary Stories

I feel like making another story. Any suggestions?



#623 2012-08-04 17:29:55

Registered: 2011-05-18
Posts: 100+

Re: User-made Scary Stories

amaru2005 wrote:

One day, i haved an idea for make a game,but when i played the game,appeared amaru with blood in the eyes  the background was entirely black  and the logo appeared writed with blood in TV , later i seen for all parts of my own house, and was nope in there,but in my bedroom only appeared the console.and just the blood dissapeared , i  played already my own game instead of  the ''1 player'' appeared '' click the 2 player button ''' i just dissapeared. but i was in another planet called ''Z=o+M*b+-*/.inet'' and i cant see my house by some reason i was of another type i don't was an human my mom called me but in the house was writed with blood ''AMARU IS IN ANOTHER PLANET'' my mom just died but i appeared and i cryed blood

Creepy? or not ?

Yeah, no offense, but I can't tell what's happening here. I think it's just too misspelled and misleading. I'll try to re-do it?
"One day, I had an idea for an online game. I got on the computer and made it, but when I tested the game, Amaru, a demon girl, appeared with blood in her eyes. The background was entirely black, and the game's logo appeared written in blood."
XD I can't make sense of the rest of it. oh simon <3



#624 2012-08-04 17:50:24

Registered: 2009-02-10
Posts: 1000+

Re: User-made Scary Stories

Wiccan wrote:

CakePopAnimation wrote:

Brightshadow1 wrote:

My brother linked me to this forum and I want to try making stories, but I just have one question: Do the stories have to be based off of other creepypastas? Or can we create our own creepypasta characters and stories?

Please answer, thanks.

I think 77W(owner of this topic) doesn't like stories about already done pastas.
But go ahead and make one based off another if you feel like it
You don't have to do what everyone says.  smile

I think she wants to know if she has to use creepypasta characters, or if she can use her own OCs.

im 777w yo
and im fine with fan stories if theyre good
you can basically write whatever you want as long as its creepy



#625 2012-08-04 18:02:46

Registered: 2011-05-18
Posts: 100+

Re: User-made Scary Stories

777w wrote:

im 777w yo
and im fine with fan stories if theyre good
you can basically write whatever you want as long as its creepy

XD Sorry about messing up your name
I just don't know you that well oh simon <3



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