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#1 2012-08-03 17:22:54

Registered: 2011-10-09
Posts: 500+

Coco OS
Coco OS is designed to have a friendly user interface while still being powerful.
Current version: 1.0 Beta "Cobra Red Ant" Download
App Tutorial:
Download the app template here.
Change the "AppButton" sprite to your app's name with "AppButton" at the end.
Change the "AppX" sprite to the same name, but with "AppX" instead of "AppButton".
If you want a window, change the "AppWindow" sprite the same way.
For any other sprites, duplicate (name)AppWindow and change it to your app's name, "App", and the sprite name.
Make broadcasts called "openapp" and your app's name, and also one with "closeapp" and your app's name.
Change all the when I recieves with shows to when I recieve openapp(name).
Change all the ones with hides to when I recieve closeapp(name).
In (name)AppX, change the broadcast at "when (name)AppX clicked" to "closeapp(name)".
In (name)AppButton, change the 1st "closeapps" broadcast to "closeapp(name)".
Unlock AppButton if not already unlocked.
Instead of when Green Flag clicked, put your scripts after when I recieve openapp(name).
Make a script that stops your app after when I recieve closeapp(name), also.
When you are done, download a clean Coco OS copy, and import your program.
If it works correctly, you can upload it to the app store here.

Last edited by cocolover76 (2012-08-03 18:37:34)



#2 2012-08-03 18:09:12

Registered: 2011-10-09
Posts: 500+

Re: Coco OS

Bump for finishing post



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