Hi All,
I am having problems creating my hangman game,
I have been looking through a couple to obtain ideas.
With the few I have looked at, I am abit confused about the script is guessing the word, if anyone has a simple hangman example which allows the user to guess 4 or three woulds that would be very useful.
Seeing as this will be your first project, try an easier one. That guy's project is for a computer science class and is not his first.
There are probably allot more simpler ways to do this, but here is what I have thought of:
First, you have to think of all the words you want people to try and guess. So maybe make a variable called "words" and make it change the value of the variable to 1-whatever amount of words you want.
Then make a list. Call it... "World letters". Now, lets say the random value chosen by the previous script for "words" was 2. And lets say the second word you chose to implement into the game was... Scratch. You would add all of the letters of Scratch (S-c-r-a-t-c-h) into the list.
Then, when the player guesses a letter the script would go like
When I receive: Letter A pressed
World Letters Contains A
Broadcast correct!
Broadcast Incorrect!
I hope this kind of helped you. If you need more help, I would be happy to make a little hangman game for you that you can download. Let me know
shaz2012 wrote:
Hi LordAwesome123,
If you can create me a simple program, I would appriciate that , like you have said, most of the games on here are very complexed, want to create a simple game before I create a complexed hangman.
The world of Scratch is not really that complected. I learnt mainly by filling around with scripts and downloading simple projects and trying to figure out how different scripts work. Once you understand the basics, you will be able to quickly copy down scripts and understand how they work.
I can create you a short little hangman game if you want, probably would be ready on Thursday (I am pretty busy ATM), but in the mean time I can lead you to some projects that you can download and figure out basic scripts (these are not really hangman related games... but it will help you get started in Scratch and get making "basic" stuff).
And if you need any more help contact me in the comments section in one of my projects
Heres one that will help you make a simple non-scrolling platformer game:
I got one here that I made if you are looking to experiment with variables, this project is basically a little test project that involves cash and a shop. Good for RPG's.
A basic platformer I made for new years. Similar to the first link. And this one also uses a variable timer.
Another platformer I made.
Like I said, contact me on one of my projects that I linked you to.
Variables, variables and lists Thats all hangman is - have a go yourself just messing around with the scripts and if you need a hand I'll check it out and offer some help