Topic closed
happycat2000 wrote:
technoboy10 wrote:
happycat2000 wrote:
Can I join as Web Team Assistant?
Check the other thread.
Thanks! (So which thread do we discuss things on?)
The Collab thread. This is for hiring.
If you ever need a helping hand. My company is more than willing to co-operate with you on this game and give you our resources. Just reply to me if you want some of dat?
DwarvenGames wrote:
If you ever need a helping hand. My company is more than willing to co-operate with you on this game and give you our resources. Just reply to me if you want some of dat?
Cool! Who all is in your company?
@all Thanks a ton for your support and interest!
Hello! I'm iamepic3, and I would like to apply for the
flow [management team]I would like to because I heard of this before and I really want to apply. But also, I want to help make Scratch Galaxy the best it can.
iamepic3 wrote:
Hello! I'm iamepic3, and I would like to apply for the
flow [management team]I would like to because I heard of this before and I really want to apply. But also, I want to help make Scratch Galaxy the best it can.
Hi! You may want to talk to stevetheipad, as he's the Flow Management Team.
GameGuy64 wrote:
Are there still any positions in the Looks Team?
Try asking AIOLover on one of his projects.
Name: Meapinator101
Team: Flow Management
Why: I gave some of my explanation on the other thread but I will recap. Well at first I didn't want to join because well many people have tried this and most time it never even left the "talking stage". But then I saw technoboy1 and stevetheipad are making this and I thought to give it a shot because I know you guys are experienced and dedicated scratches. Moreover this is a great idea but I know it will succeed (hopefully.) I will make sure this isn't going to fail.
Other: I am owner of Rocket Investments which I guess specializes on "flow management." I really enjoy doing collaborations. I hope I will get accepted! Thanks!
Meapinator101 wrote:
Name: Meapinator101
Team: Flow Management
Why: I gave some of my explanation on the other thread but I will recap. Well at first I didn't want to join because well many people have tried this and most time it never even left the "talking stage". But then I saw technoboy1 and stevetheipad are making this and I thought to give it a shot because I know you guys are experienced and dedicated scratches. Moreover this is a great idea but I know it will succeed (hopefully.) I will make sure this isn't going to fail.
Other: I am owner of Rocket Investments which I guess specializes on "flow management." I really enjoy doing collaborations. I hope I will get accepted! Thanks!
I really appreciate your strategy background. I'll talk to Steve about your application!
Name: Genesix
Team: Looks Team preferable, could also be on Programming Team
Why: Starting with a new account but everything I try to do by myself would take more than one person, so I'd like to take part in a team effort.
Other: I know I don't have any projects yet, but that's why I'm joining. If you want to see some older projects you could check my old account, Techscratcher. If you really need some newer stuff then I could just upload some of my unfinished projects.
Closed temporarily by request.
Topic closed