The block Motor Direction: What does "This way/That Way" turn to?
When the Motor is On will "your" creation move forward?
I need a .txt one. My comp won't work with .pdf
I'm not admin. I just need to know what they do. Can you explain it on here?
LEGO® Education WeDo™ Fact Sheet
LEGO® Education WeDo™ is a new product that facilitates a hands‐on, minds‐on learning experience
that redefines robotics for elementary school students 7‐11 years of age. As with the entire LEGO
Education portfolio the WeDo concept is based on a 20+ year learning approach that actively involves
students in their own learning process and promotes children’s creative thinking, team‐work and
problem solving skills – skills that are essential in the workplace of the 21st century.
LEGO Education WeDo encourages teachers to issue curriculum‐based challenges that students must
solve. Working in teams, the children invent their own solution by building a LEGO model and
programming it to perform a certain task. Cause and effect learning is enhanced by the models
remaining tethered to a computer; similar to scientists in working labs, children can test and adjust their
programming in real time. After reflecting on what did and did not work students can consult with
peers, adapt programming, adjust models or begin again.
The WeDo concept creates a clear link between the virtual world (computers and programming) and the
physical world (represented by LEGO models). The complete package includes:
• 158 LEGO brightly colored elements, including gears, and levers
• One LEGO USB Hub connects directly to a PC, standard, XO or Classmate laptop to allow control
of hardware input (tilt and motion sensors) and output (motor), thereby bringing models to life
• One motor, one motion sensor and one tilt sensor
• Drag‐and‐drop icon‐based software that provides an intuitive and easy‐to‐use programming
environment suitable for beginners and experienced users alike
• Activity pack CD‐Rom provides up to 24 hours of instruction and includes 12 activities based on
four themes: Soccer, Adventure Stories, Wild Animal Park and Mechanical Toys. Running
alongside programming software, activities are introduced via animations. Teacher notes and
glossary are also included.
Designed to cover a broad range of curriculum areas, topics covered include:
• Language and literacy: narrative and journalistic writing, storytelling, explaining, interviewing
and interpreting
• Mathematics: measuring time and distance; adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing,
estimating, randomness; using variables
• Science: working with simple machines, gears, levers, pulleys; transmission of motion
• Technology: programming; using software media; designing and creating a working model
Designed to serve children in both emerging and developed markets, LEGO Education WeDo will first be
available in the United States and Brazil beginning January 1, 2009. Further market launch dates have
not been solidified.
For more information about LEGO Education product solutions, purchasing information or to download
free activity examples go to
LEGO, the LEGO logo and WEDO are trademarks of the LEGO Group. ©2008 The LEGO Group
That's what it says. It doesn't really explain the blocks...