Hi there, I need some help with a school project, which basically asks for the following:
- take readings from the Sense board sensors and write them to an RSS feed;
-to complete the part of the system that evaluates the sensor readings on the RSS feed and sets the correct level of alert - (1) green, (2) amber and (3) red;
-write a 500 words report explaining how the Sense program was designed and how it works.
I can't post all the information here, because I'd probably get kicked out of school for it, and obviously the article doesn't have to be 500 words long, anything is better than nothing, which I have now.
If anyone would like to help me, please send me a private message, or an yahoo/gmail/msn messenger ID for all the files and details. It's a basic program, and I would be willing to pay for this little project, if anyone could finish all the tasks from above. I'm working two jobs to pay for uni and just don't have the time for this project, so help would be appreciated.
Thank you!
[Post removed by request of the people who made the test.]
Last edited by Lightnin (2012-08-08 12:21:08)
Is there really no one that can help? I'm quite desperate here, if I don't get this sorted I'll fail the entire course. Like I said, I am willing to come up with a nice reward for anyone that does the entire thing. Shall we say... $100?
cardenas8593 wrote:
Is there really no one that can help? I'm quite desperate here, if I don't get this sorted I'll fail the entire course. Like I said, I am willing to come up with a nice reward for anyone that does the entire thing. Shall we say... $100?
You can't just pay people to do work that measures your ability. IF you know how to do it, do it. Otherwise it's meaningless. Nevertheless if you have the sensor inputs as variables in scratch and a way of exporting it to an RSS feed (I've never used them) then it should be simple.
zammer990 wrote:
cardenas8593 wrote:
Is there really no one that can help? I'm quite desperate here, if I don't get this sorted I'll fail the entire course. Like I said, I am willing to come up with a nice reward for anyone that does the entire thing. Shall we say... $100?
You can't just pay people to do work that measures your ability. IF you know how to do it, do it. Otherwise it's meaningless. Nevertheless if you have the sensor inputs as variables in scratch and a way of exporting it to an RSS feed (I've never used them) then it should be simple.
I think he wants us to do the project for him...
Firedrake969 wrote:
I think he wants us to do the project for him...
Yes, please!
zammer990 wrote:
You can't just pay people to do work that measures your ability. IF you know how to do it, do it. Otherwise it's meaningless.
I never said that I know how to do it. This is the only module that I'll be studying Scratch in the degree's structure. I managed everything else until now, but I could never get around Sense. If I can't come up with this project soon, all my work until now was for nothing. So PLEASE, help me if you can. Thank you for the replies.
Ive been on Scratch for a year and I have no idea how to do this. I dont even know if its possible, youd have to hack the program to get it to export data to an rss feed.
And bribery might be illegal with Scratch (if not very poor sportsmanship)
Firedrake969 wrote:
I think he wants us to do the project for him...
I know that, and I was saying that no one should because what's the point of getting an A if you didn't do it.
If you're being told to do it they'll have told you how, if you forgot, ask or look online.
cardenas8593 wrote:
Firedrake969 wrote:
I think he wants us to do the project for him...
Yes, please!
We're not going to help you cheat.
I know it's not a nice thing to do, I'm not proud of it, but I just have no other way of getting out of this. I'm towards the end of the degree, and finishing it would be the end of three years of having 2 days a month off from 2 jobs and Uni, among other sacrifices. If I don't deliver this project, those 3 years would go down the drain. I'm sorry if I offended anyone by asking for help here, I'm just desperate, I think the above gives you an idea why.
If anyone is willing to help me, I can provide the short section of course materials that would explain how to work with the rss feeds, with examples etc.
Thank you.
I want to be able to point you in the right direction, what exactly is the problem (I can't do the entire thing for you, and I don't know if I really should even help).
I take it you can get the 3 readings from sensors into scratch? Then compile them into a list - I have no idea how to export the list results as an RSS feed
Thank you Prestige. I've gathered all the materials saying how to create/use rss feeds and put them in a tutorial, the only thing they are missing are the example images. Here they are:
[removed by mods]
If you need the images for the courses, please let me know. Also, I've added the two sense files they provided for the project. Thank you very much, you have no idea how much this means to me!
Last edited by Lightnin (2012-08-08 12:22:05)
I love Scratch - I'm a huge fan... But what astounds me most about this posting is that they're using Scratch as a platform for degree level programming
When I did my degree (a long time ago, I'll admit) we were doing C, Pascal, Assembly Language, etc...
Well for one, you'll be older than me (I'm starting my degree next year) so again I'm not quite sure which areas you're asking for help with.
Apart from the RSS feed, the program required to compile the data is mathematically simple.
I'd make lists for ALL the variables being recorded, temp, volume etc. Clear the list and then run the project. Make a further list (called 'Log' or something) to store the data in the required format. Reset the timer and add values to the respective lists every 20 seconds as required. To work out if the current reading is 20% higher than the list, just use an if statement like:
if <(item [last v] of [list v]) > ((item ((length of [list v]) - (1))) * (1.2))> change [hazard v] by (1) end* Use the hazard variable to determine the warning: green, amber or yellow.
Last edited by Prestige (2012-08-02 18:20:41)
Thank you for your help, Prestige.
cardenas8593 wrote:
Is there really no one that can help? I'm quite desperate here, if I don't get this sorted I'll fail the entire course. Like I said, I am willing to come up with a nice reward for anyone that does the entire thing. Shall we say... $100?
Hi cardenas8593. Just to let you know, we've been contacted by an administrator from your school asking for your contact info. Sharing that information would violate our privacy policy, so we won't be doing that. However, we're going to close this thread and ask you not to ask people to do your assignments for you here on Scratch (or offer to pay them for it). Setting that up would require the transfer of contact info, and it's not ok to exchange that kind of contact info on a site for children.
While we want the Scratch forums to be a place where people can get help with projects (for school or otherwise), we don't think it's appropriate to assist you in your intent to commit academic fraud. We hope you can find a better way out of your predicament.
Last edited by Lightnin (2012-08-08 12:19:40)