In my platformer, I want to have a moving platform, but the character won't stay on the platform...
Last edited by Firedrake969 (2012-08-01 12:58:34)
wasabi56 wrote:
foreverrepeat until( y position)=(anything)
Download it...
Try using this in your platform:
Remember that the positions in the (glide to x = ( ) y = ( ) ) can be changed, as well as the positions in the (go to x = ( ) y = ( ) ).whenclicked
foreverifseeing platform?= truego to x:-12y:20glide2secs to x:-12y:80wait0.03secsglide2secs to x:-12y:20wait0.03secswhenclicked
foreverifseeing platform?= trueshowelsehide
Last edited by ErnieParke (2012-08-01 13:08:53)
You could use trig to make a moving platform.
the variable (movement height), when set to 20, woumd mean the platform has a movement range of (platform y) +- 20forevergo to x:platform Xy:+*sin ▼ofthetamovement heightplayform ychangetheta ▼by1
Last edited by Wes64 (2012-08-01 12:58:12)
very simple... make sure the image cannot rotate itself. IF direction = 90 (right) change scroll x (or just x position) by 3 (replace with speed) IF direction = -90 (left) change scroll x (or just x position) by -3 (replace with speed)
oh, and make sure it only does this when touching, and when you want it to move in a direction you add the rotation blocks. NO SIN NEEDED, OR COMPLICATED VARIABLES, OR WEIRD BLOCKS! AND THEY CAN GET OFF AT ANY TIME!
If you need any more help ask me on the Mist forums, and I will share with you everything I learnt on Rayman 4 from slippery rollers to elevators that disappear or turn upside-down so the player gets pushed off them.
Last edited by Borrego6165 (2012-08-01 13:33:57)
Borrego6165 wrote:
very simple... make sure the image cannot rotate itself. IF direction = 90 (right) change scroll x (or just x position) by 3 (replace with speed) IF direction = -90 (left) change scroll x (or just x position) by -3 (replace with speed)
oh, and make sure it only does this when touching, and when you want it to move in a direction you add the rotation blocks. NO SIN NEEDED, OR COMPLICATED VARIABLES, OR WEIRD BLOCKS! AND THEY CAN GET OFF AT ANY TIME!
If you need any more help ask me on the Mist forums, and I will share with you everything I learnt on Rayman 4 from slippery rollers to elevators that disappear or turn upside-down so the player gets pushed off them.
Go to the forums to talk there.
You used my old platformer base, right? The new one has slopes and moving platform support and walljump (easy to disable)
Last edited by zubblewu (2012-08-01 15:30:30)