Well, I know this has a workaround, but it's really long and I don't know how to do it outside of examples like this. I used it for the shop (download to see) but the scripts got long and messy. Now, here is my suggested block in action:
if <(variable one) changed by (-1)> change [variable 2 v] by (-1)
BirdByte wrote:
I believe this block can be created using this script:
set [oldval v] to (whatever) wait until <[0] = [0]> if <not <(oldval) = (whatever)>> whatever you want to happen end
That would detect any change at all.
This script would detect a specific change:
set [oldval v] to (whatever) wait until <[0] = [0]> if <(oldval) = ((whatever) + (input))> whatever you want to happen end