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#1 2012-05-02 13:10:38

New Scratcher
Registered: 2011-11-15
Posts: 31

Pokemon Beta Version

I've been looking over how the original versions of Pokemon (Or CapuMon, in the old days) were planned to be, and I think that there's enough data presented to create a new breed of Pokemon games- Pokemon Beta Version (That's right, BETA version). All of the ideas/designs/names that were scrapped will be reinvented into a Fr/Lg format. Ideas, sprites, and design are very welcome. This will be created with a hacked version of Fr/Lg.



#2 2012-05-02 13:27:24

New Scratcher
Registered: 2011-11-15
Posts: 31

Re: Pokemon Beta Version

when gf clicked
repeat until <(timer) > [10]>
  go to [mouse-pointer v]
think [Testing The Scratch Blocks Feature] for (5) secs



#3 2012-05-03 08:15:50

New Scratcher
Registered: 2011-11-15
Posts: 31

Re: Pokemon Beta Version

Abra and Kadabra were supposed to be named "Hocus" and "Pocus", so in this hack, their names will be changed to this. The Trainers will have designs based on their Red/Blue artwork, and even the female trainer will have a black dress from the beta artwork. Even Pikachu will have the original white patch on it's belly. "Glitches" will be present, and even a special key item will be included, dubbed the "Glitch Dex". Any help with 3D glitch sprites, original designs, and names will be appreciated.



#4 2012-05-04 14:00:55

Registered: 2012-02-27
Posts: 3

Re: Pokemon Beta Version

when gf clicked
repeat until <(timer) > [10]>
  go to [mouse-pointer v]
think [Well I'll be darned] for (3) secs



#5 2012-05-04 14:46:20

New Scratcher
Registered: 2011-11-15
Posts: 31

Re: Pokemon Beta Version

So, do you have any ideas for this future game, and/or any questions?



#6 2012-05-08 17:20:35

Registered: 2012-02-12
Posts: 10

Re: Pokemon Beta Version

when gf clicked
repeat until <(timer) > [10]>
  go to [mouse-pointer v]
think [Wazup] for (15) secs
repeat until <(touching) > [Sprite1]>



#7 2012-05-09 12:08:52

New Scratcher
Registered: 2012-05-04
Posts: 1

Re: Pokemon Beta Version

tell me how to make projects?



#8 2012-05-10 13:20:11

New Scratcher
Registered: 2011-11-15
Posts: 31

Re: Pokemon Beta Version

How to make projects? I really truthfully don't know.



#9 2012-05-10 16:53:21

Registered: 2012-04-21
Posts: 1

Re: Pokemon Beta Version




#10 2012-06-07 07:57:49

Registered: 2011-09-10
Posts: 4

Re: Pokemon Beta Version

Zackisdabomb wrote:

I've been looking over how the original versions of Pokemon (Or CapuMon, in the old days) were planned to be, and I think that there's enough data presented to create a new breed of Pokemon games- Pokemon Beta Version (That's right, BETA version). All of the ideas/designs/names that were scrapped will be reinvented into a Fr/Lg format. Ideas, sprites, and design are very welcome. This will be created with a hacked version of Fr/Lg.



#11 2012-06-07 07:59:31

Registered: 2011-09-10
Posts: 4

Re: Pokemon Beta Version

so will this be like a RPG :?



#12 2012-06-08 15:50:54

Registered: 2011-03-29
Posts: 96

Re: Pokemon Beta Version

teamiceland wrote:

so will this be like a RPG :?




#13 2012-06-18 22:45:48

Registered: 2011-10-22
Posts: 29

Re: Pokemon Beta Version

Hey i've been trying to make a pokemon game called pokemon steel but i could help you get sprites and i could code a couple glitches like the battle with professor oak and missingno.
____________________________________________________________________________________I'm to tired to upload a file 'click' 'click'



#14 2012-06-22 12:27:45

Registered: 2012-03-26
Posts: 1

Re: Pokemon Beta Version

when gf clicked
forever if <(answer) = [my projects are awesome]
go to [mouse-pointer v]



#15 2012-06-24 20:25:05

New Scratcher
Registered: 2011-11-15
Posts: 31

Re: Pokemon Beta Version

cau2134 wrote:

Hey i've been trying to make a pokemon game called pokemon steel but i could help you get sprites and i could code a couple glitches like the battle with professor oak and missingno.
____________________________________________________________________________________I'm to tired to upload a file 'click' 'click'

Yeah, that'll help a lot! If I can help you too, just make it



#16 2012-06-25 07:52:00

Registered: 2011-08-19
Posts: 1000+

Re: Pokemon Beta Version

[shameless self-promotion]
If you guys want to see a Pokemon-style RPG made in Scratch, click my sig.
[/shameless self-promotion]

Anyways if you're going to be testing the scratchblocks feature, there's a whole topic for that right here.

Experienced 2.0 Tester: Ask me questions!
Using Firefox 13.0, Flash plugin version 11.4.402.287, and Windows XP Professional.



#17 2012-06-25 11:06:28

New Scratcher
Registered: 2011-11-15
Posts: 31

Re: Pokemon Beta Version

teamiceland wrote:

so will this be like a RPG :?

Of course, just edited a bit.



#18 2012-07-15 09:05:07

Registered: 2010-07-08
Posts: 500+

Re: Pokemon Beta Version

Beta Names?  big_smile

Bulbapedia is your friend.  wink
v Chart Below (Credit to Bulbapedia), or (

Kakuna: Kokoon
Pidgey: Pidge
Pidgeot: Pidgeott
Rattata: Rattatak
Ekans: Nagahis / Arbo
Arbok: Nagaasp
Sandslash: Sandstorm
Clefairy: Aria
Clefable: Ariala
Vulpix: Foxfire
Jigglypuff: Pudding
Wigglytuff: Custard
Oddish: Ladish
Paras: Parasyte
Diglett: Digda
Growlithe: Flamie
Arcanine: Blaze
Poliwag: Aqua
Poliwhirl: Aquanau
Poliwrath: Aquamar
Abra: Hocus
Kadabra: Pocus
Machop: Kara-tee
Machoke: Kung-foo
Machamp: Ju-doh
Tentacool: Jilly
Tentacruel: Man O War
Rapidash: Gallop
Slowpoke: Slowmo
Magnemite: Coil
Magneton: Recoil
Farfetch'd: Fowler
Doduo: Dodo
Dewgong: Manaty
Gastly: Spirit
Haunter: Spectre
Gengar: Phantom
Drowzee: Sleeper
Kingler: Kingle
Exeggcute: Eggestre
Exeggutor: Eggscut
Cubone: Orphon *(this slightly creeps me also shows why Team Rocket murdered a Marowak in Red/Green/Blue/Yellow)
Hitmonlee: Lee
Hitmonchan: Chan
Lickitung: Tonguetyd
Koffing: Ny
Weezing: La
Chansey: Lucky
Tangela: Meduza / Medusa
Goldeen: Goldy
Seaking: Neptune
Scyther: Stryke
Gyarados: Skullkraken
Lapras: Ness
Ditto: Morpho
Eevee: Eon
Porygon: Poregon
Omanyte: Ess
Omastar: Kargo
Kabuto: Att
Kabutops: Lantis
Aerodactyl: Ptera
Dratini: Dragoon
Dragonair: Dragyn

IMHO, I really think that at some time in B2/W2's lifespan, there should be a Dream World-based event where you can catch (take home...whatever Pokemon calls it now!) one of these pokemon (base forms only). They are caught with their beta names set as nicknames, and their OT is always Pokémon. This way the nickname is permanent. When the pokemon evolves, if the evolution has a Beta Name, this will become its new Nickname.

Of course, they'd need a benefit. A simple, easy benefit that is dependent on the player's actions is PokeRus. I mean, what's better than a Pokemon with it's Beta Name that gains more EV's per defeat?  big_smile

Last edited by TheBlueRocky (2012-07-15 09:12:25)



#19 2012-07-26 13:39:07

New Scratcher
Registered: 2011-11-15
Posts: 31

Re: Pokemon Beta Version

Woah! Thanks for everything! I can totally agree with everything, except the permanent names. HOWEVER, more E.V. with beta names is a lot better. Update Included:

Bird type replaces Flying
HM's are now different Key Items:
Surfboard (Surf)
Saw/ Axe (Cut)
Lantern (Flash)
The Fighting Dojo will teach YOU Stregnth
Most Bird Pokemon learn Fly, still. (Fly TM can be bought at Celadon Department Store)

Sevii Islands are still included, with Hoenn and Johto Islands serving as extra Routes.

Mew IS under the truck (the truck is acessible withoul the use of codes)

Battles vs. Playable Characters (Red, Leaf, Gold, Kris, Brendan & May).

Thanks again, as it is truly appreciated. Look out for more updates!



#20 2012-07-30 10:51:57

Registered: 2011-12-08
Posts: 1000+

Re: Pokemon Beta Version

Zackisdabomb wrote:

Woah! Thanks for everything! I can totally agree with everything, except the permanent names. HOWEVER, more E.V. with beta names is a lot better. Update Included:

Bird type replaces Flying
HM's are now different Key Items:
Surfboard (Surf)
Saw/ Axe (Cut)
Lantern (Flash)
The Fighting Dojo will teach YOU Stregnth
Most Bird Pokemon learn Fly, still. (Fly TM can be bought at Celadon Department Store)

Sevii Islands are still included, with Hoenn and Johto Islands serving as extra Routes.

Mew IS under the truck (the truck is acessible withoul the use of codes)

Battles vs. Playable Characters (Red, Leaf, Gold, Kris, Brendan & May).

Thanks again, as it is truly appreciated. Look out for more updates!

Is it a hack?

internet's all about cats today.



#21 2012-07-31 11:13:04

New Scratcher
Registered: 2011-11-15
Posts: 31

Re: Pokemon Beta Version

soniku3 wrote:

Zackisdabomb wrote:

Woah! Thanks for everything! I can totally agree with everything, except the permanent names. HOWEVER, more E.V. with beta names is a lot better. Update Included:

Bird type replaces Flying
HM's are now different Key Items:
Surfboard (Surf)
Saw/ Axe (Cut)
Lantern (Flash)
The Fighting Dojo will teach YOU Stregnth
Most Bird Pokemon learn Fly, still. (Fly TM can be bought at Celadon Department Store)

Sevii Islands are still included, with Hoenn and Johto Islands serving as extra Routes.

Mew IS under the truck (the truck is acessible withoul the use of codes)

Battles vs. Playable Characters (Red, Leaf, Gold, Kris, Brendan & May).

Thanks again, as it is truly appreciated. Look out for more updates!

Is it a hack?

Yes, it's a hack. It's basically a heavily edited FR/LG.



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