I have several friends that have pirated software using torrents. What's your opinion on pirates and pirating?
I think the only thing I ever pirated was pvz goty a LONG time ago...
oh and a sound from a place where you had to make an account and buy like 10 "sound credits" when I just wanted the one sound.
Daroach1 wrote:
thank goodness you didn't actually add something to the discussion, I was worried for a second.
Daroach1 wrote:
I used to pirate all the time. I must have pirated about US $10 000 of movies and software.
Then I quit.
Btw, I didn't actually say what I said above. I'm not liable for anything I said in this post.
As long as the creator of the object is okay with it, I say go ahead! If else, well… it depends on the situation.
jji7skyline wrote:
I used to pirate all the time. I must have pirated about US $10 000 of movies and software.
Then I quit.
Btw, I didn't actually say what I said above. I'm not liable for anything I said in this post.
The recording industry recently won a lawsuit against The Pirate Bay. Yay, that means that the artists get the money like they deserve, right!? Nope. Instead it all went to anti-piracy campaigns. Here are my thoughts on piracy:
All copyright should be nullified as soon as a company is no longer distributing it's work. There is no reason why any creative work should be lost in this digital age. If the creator is not distributing it, I should absolutely be free to download it.
Piracy =/= stealing. If someone stole my bike, they now have my bike and I don't. If someone pirated my game, I still have the game. Now they have a copy of it, but they did not take it away. I am still making money off of other purchases. If there is to be any punishment at all, it should be simply a fine of the money due to the copyright holders. The exception of seeding is irrelevant in this case. Let's say person A pirated Game of Thrones and is seeding a copy of it to person B, C, D, and E. If person A gets caught, he pays for what he downloaded, and then for the four copies that he seeded. If B, C, D, and E were caught and paid their fine, then HBO would be getting essentially two payments for the copies downloaded by B, C, D, and E. That does not make sense.
Piracy of a DRM-free copy of something you already purchased should be legal.
If a pirate is challenged to a Quake III battle to stop pirating, they must accept.
This is my 4,000th post!
jji7skyline wrote:
I must have pirated about US $10 000
Did you get like 15 3DO's or something?
Oh, and this.
agscratcher wrote:
jji7skyline wrote:
I must have pirated about US $10 000
Did you get like 15 3DO's or something?
Oh, and this.
3DO's? What's that?
And yes, I know the video. Weird then, still weird now.
I don't think it's right, so I generally don't engage in anything that could be considered pirating. The only times I've ever 'pirated' anything are cases where the item I've pirated is no longer legally available, like musical recordings that are out of print, and I usually do that only with artists I've supported a lot with buying their music in multiple formats before.
The thing with torrents is, you're currently sharing what you download with other, that's how the whole thing works, there's not real central server. Therefore, you're providing the download to others, which makes it illegal. And if you don't seed, that's considered leeching and is frowned upon.
jji7skyline wrote:
3DO's? What's that?
Last edited by agscratcher (2012-07-30 23:04:48)
If he pirated the Adobe Creative Suite it can get into the thousands quickly.
Last edited by 16Skittles (2012-07-30 22:49:41)
16Skittles wrote:
If he pirated the Adobe Creative Suite it can get into the thousands quickly.
Adobe Creative Suite : Master Collection
Star Wars collection
Indiana Jones
Numerous other movies, probs over 100
Other expensive, paid software
Like I said, I'm not to be held legally for anything in this post. I'm not liable.
Here in Chile it's a pretty unregulated thing - most people don't even think about whether it's wrong or not, and honestly I know nearly no people who actually buy media instead of downloading it, be it games, movies, music, whatever. The lack of awareness and regulation is so big, you even see pirated media being sold in street markets (which I find very wrong - profiting from something you put nearly no effort into).
Myself I recur to pirating stuff quite often when it comes to music and visual media, though when it comes to programs I always look for free/open-source alternatives first. I do know piracy is legally and perhaps morally wrong, yet I still do it at times.
When I was younger I was obsessed with pokemon, I was good at browsing the internet, and my mom didn't want me to get a handheld game console, so you can guess what that led to.
Now, I will not say any more on this subject because I don't wish for any game company hiding under the guise of a scratcher to sue me.
technoguyx wrote:
Myself I recur to pirating stuff quite often when it comes to music and visual media, though when it comes to programs I always look for free/open-source alternatives first.
Because everybody knows a bunch of programmers' time is worth more than a bunch of actors, directors, writers, producers, and special effects artists!