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#501 2012-07-29 10:57:40

Registered: 2008-12-13
Posts: 500+

Re: User-made Scary Stories

CakePopAnimation wrote:

CakePopAnimation wrote:

banana500 wrote:


That was so awesome!  big_smile
So they turn people into Jeff...

samid11 wrote:

SUICIDE DOLAN!!! > big_smile  I'm a genious.

XD LOL! Make a Dolan instead of a Donald.

Sorry for reposting, but it got overlooked  smile

sueh-sied gooby



#502 2012-07-29 11:55:41

Registered: 2008-01-27
Posts: 1000+

Re: User-made Scary Stories

I'm working on a Fear Mythos-The Holders-SCP crossover right now.  Jeff the Killer might get mixed in too.



#503 2012-07-29 12:29:41

Registered: 2009-07-09
Posts: 1000+

Re: User-made Scary Stories

maxskywalker wrote:

I'm working on a Fear Mythos-The Holders-SCP crossover right now.  Jeff the Killer might get mixed in too.


In truth, I actually was considering mixing in other creepypastas as side things, and, wouldn't you know it, Jefferson was one of them.



#504 2012-07-29 12:32:35

Registered: 2009-02-10
Posts: 1000+

Re: User-made Scary Stories

agscratcher wrote:

maxskywalker wrote:

I'm working on a Fear Mythos-The Holders-SCP crossover right now.  Jeff the Killer might get mixed in too.


In truth, I actually was considering mixing in other creepypastas as side things, and, wouldn't you know it, Jefferson was one of them.

too many stories or series together would be ridiculous
"so then slenderman ate jeffs son. but jeff called the scp foundation and they took slendy away. after that they went to play majoras mask where they were haunted by ben. fortunately for them, the skin taker took bens skin and then the tails doll killed everybody"



#505 2012-07-29 12:34:04

Registered: 2011-05-18
Posts: 100+

Re: User-made Scary Stories

zbugni wrote:

CakePopAnimation wrote:

CakePopAnimation wrote:

banana500 wrote:


That was so awesome!  big_smile
So they turn people into Jeff...

XD LOL! Make a Dolan instead of a Donald.

Sorry for reposting, but it got overlooked  smile

sueh-sied gooby

gooby pls
Yeah, Dolan is weird and creepy enough to be a Pasta villain.
So I'm gonna make him one :3
One day, a girl by the name of Maria City was searching for memes online, when she came across one called 'Dolan'. She clicked on it, and was thoroughly disturbed when she saw her favorite childhood character, Donald Duck, portrayed as a psycho that spelled everything wrong. She went to exit, but an image popped up before she went that said GOOBY PLS with a picture of the Dolan meme. But there was something wrong with the image. It kept flashing on and off, and it showed Dolan's hand holding some sort of weapon. Just thinking she accidentally clicked on the gallery of meme images, Maria closed the laptop and walked off.
   When she got outside, into her backyard, she saw a Donald plush lying on the ground. A note was taped to it:
"mera pls, dolan kel u"
Maria didn't know who Mera was, and didn't know why the note was spelled like a Dolan comic. She thought it must be her brother, who had seen the Dolan images too and knew it freaked Maria out.
She walked away from the plush and went back inside, unaware of the red eyes the plush had.
   Now back in her bedroom, Maria got ready for bed and got under her covers.
After everyone went to bed, her lights came back on dimly, but they glowed red.
Maria didn't have time to defend herself from Dolan, who jumped off her fan and onto her bed.
Before he attacked, he said, "MERA PLS."
Maria finally understood before she died that Mera was herself, just spelled terribly wrong.
XD LOL, that wasn't creepy, but I just wanted a Dolan pasta.
Now the deed is done. oh simon <3



#506 2012-07-29 12:36:54

Registered: 2009-02-10
Posts: 1000+

Re: User-made Scary Stories

CakePopAnimation wrote:

zbugni wrote:

CakePopAnimation wrote:

Sorry for reposting, but it got overlooked  smile

sueh-sied gooby

gooby pls
Yeah, Dolan is weird and creepy enough to be a Pasta villain.
So I'm gonna make him one :3
One day, a girl by the name of Maria City was searching for memes online, when she came across one called 'Dolan'. She clicked on it, and was thoroughly disturbed when she saw her favorite childhood character, Donald Duck, portrayed as a psycho that spelled everything wrong. She went to exit, but an image popped up before she went that said GOOBY PLS with a picture of the Dolan meme. But there was something wrong with the image. It kept flashing on and off, and it showed Dolan's hand holding some sort of weapon. Just thinking she accidentally clicked on the gallery of meme images, Maria closed the laptop and walked off.
   When she got outside, into her backyard, she saw a Donald plush lying on the ground. A note was taped to it:
"mera pls, dolan kel u"
Maria didn't know who Mera was, and didn't know why the note was spelled like a Dolan comic. She thought it must be her brother, who had seen the Dolan images too and knew it freaked Maria out.
She walked away from the plush and went back inside, unaware of the red eyes the plush had.
   Now back in her bedroom, Maria got ready for bed and got under her covers.
After everyone went to bed, her lights came back on dimly, but they glowed red.
Maria didn't have time to defend herself from Dolan, who jumped off her fan and onto her bed.
Before he attacked, he said, "MERA PLS."
Maria finally understood before she died that Mera was herself, just spelled terribly wrong.
XD LOL, that wasn't creepy, but I just wanted a Dolan pasta.
Now the deed is done.

the "dolan creepypasta" was funnier as an abstract idea with no form, sort of like "the elder babies"



#507 2012-07-29 12:45:23

Registered: 2009-07-09
Posts: 1000+

Re: User-made Scary Stories

777w wrote:

agscratcher wrote:

maxskywalker wrote:

I'm working on a Fear Mythos-The Holders-SCP crossover right now.  Jeff the Killer might get mixed in too.


In truth, I actually was considering mixing in other creepypastas as side things, and, wouldn't you know it, Jefferson was one of them.

too many stories or series together would be ridiculous
"so then slenderman ate jeffs son. but jeff called the scp foundation and they took slendy away. after that they went to play majoras mask where they were haunted by ben. fortunately for them, the skin taker took bens skin and then the tails doll killed everybody"

Hey, At least this isn't as ludicrous as IDW Infestation. That was a crossover between G.I. Joe, Star Trek, Transformers, and Ghostbusters. Also, it was in a zombie apocalypse. Anyone want to place bets on who wins THAT fight? I've never read it, so I don't know.

However, let's look on the positive side here. This crossover we're making right here actually fits and can mesh together well if done right. Which I think will happen. Well, most likely. There's a small chance it won't, but it isn't done yet, so wait a bit.



#508 2012-07-29 12:52:11

Registered: 2011-05-18
Posts: 100+

Re: User-made Scary Stories

777w wrote:

CakePopAnimation wrote:

zbugni wrote:

sueh-sied gooby


the "dolan creepypasta" was funnier as an abstract idea with no form, sort of like "the elder babies"

Yeah, but I just felt like making it :3
I wanted to write something. oh simon <3



#509 2012-07-29 13:19:38

Registered: 2012-02-28
Posts: 1000+

Re: User-made Scary Stories

CakePopAnimation wrote:

777w wrote:

CakePopAnimation wrote:


the "dolan creepypasta" was funnier as an abstract idea with no form, sort of like "the elder babies"

Yeah, but I just felt like making it :3
I wanted to write something.

"Dolan" is my best friends last name.



#510 2012-07-29 13:34:44

Registered: 2010-01-09
Posts: 1000+

Re: User-made Scary Stories

mythbusteranimator wrote:

CakePopAnimation wrote:

777w wrote:

the "dolan creepypasta" was funnier as an abstract idea with no form, sort of like "the elder babies"

Yeah, but I just felt like making it :3
I wanted to write something.

"Dolan" is my best friends last name.


Here i go. I wrote this back in April.

Super Mario Galaxy:The Lost Galaxies by Animeboy975

Can anyone help me? My name is Owen, and I'm trying to look for a video game that i had a experience with. It's called "Super Mario Galaxy:The Lost Galaxies".

My experience with it happened on a Saturday in March 2011. I was at gamestop and i wanted to find a game to play. I found a game that said "Super Mario Galaxy:The Lost Galaxies." Never seen it before, or heard of it, considering i'm a big mario fan.

I picked the game up and i saw the box art of Galaxy 1 with a red background. The back looked exactly the same as Galaxy 1's box again. I looked at the bottom of the back cover. It said "Copyright 2010 Nintendo. Sorry for any deaths. If in less than 7 days, ship back."

Okay, what? I still decided to pick it up. I bought it with it's incredibly cheap price tag. I went home and booted the game up. The game turned on correctly, but i saw a dark black mario instead of the normal mario. I made a new file, and the game skipped the toturial.

Okay, that's definantly crazy. It started and i took a few steps on a planet. All of a sudden, the screen turned black and the Dark mario showed up. He said "You will die in 7 days." followed by a evil laugh. The disk flung out of my Wii, into my face. It didn't  hurt but i checked and my wii is fine.

After that, i went on my laptop to check my email. It was blocked up by messages that were by "Dark Mario" and said "YOU WILL DIE IN 7 DAYS" I was annoyed, so i emailed someone that worked at Nintendo a email about the game.

Meanwhile, i shipped the game back. I later got a reply back from him that the game caused thousands of kids to die and a company named Zogia made the game without Nintendo's permission. He said it was released in Mid-2010 and sold only 130 copies worldwide.


Hello. My name is Jacob, and i work at Nintendo Of America. I am a ghost now, and here is the story of how i became one.

It was early April 2011, and i was looking at games that got sent back to the company. I saw one that i've never even heard of, considering i've worked at Nintendo Of America for a long time. A note was attached to the game.

It said: "Hello. This is from a boy named Owen. I live in Arkensas and i found this game. It's made by a company called Zogia." Okay, so i found a computer and searched Zogia.

Right then and there, i saw the weirdest thing ever. The website was dark, but an evil laugh was heard. After that, i turned off the computer and played the game.
I had the same experience as Owen (his experience was sent on the note.) I didn't know what to do with the game after it flung out of the wii.

7 days later, My life changed.

I started going crazy, having episodes after episodes the days before of going crazy. I eventually passed out.

Doctors came faster than you'd expect. I was in the hospital, knocked out.

I was dead. For sure.

I could feel and hear Dark Mario's laugh for life, even though i'm dead.




#511 2012-07-29 13:36:50

Registered: 2008-01-27
Posts: 1000+

Re: User-made Scary Stories

777w wrote:

agscratcher wrote:

maxskywalker wrote:

I'm working on a Fear Mythos-The Holders-SCP crossover right now.  Jeff the Killer might get mixed in too.


In truth, I actually was considering mixing in other creepypastas as side things, and, wouldn't you know it, Jefferson was one of them.

too many stories or series together would be ridiculous
"so then slenderman ate jeffs son. but jeff called the scp foundation and they took slendy away. after that they went to play majoras mask where they were haunted by ben. fortunately for them, the skin taker took bens skin and then the tails doll killed everybody"

Not if you put it all in the same world, all working based on some similar thing or else with former interactions, so that everything is intertwined nicely.  For example, the plot that I'm writing so far is that the Fear Mythos all work to destroy the non-Holder bearers of Objects, and the SCP foundation is a foundation that starts all Seekers on their quest, with the ultimate purpose of destroying the Objects altogether, and Jeff the Killer is a Sina Corda (see Fear Mythos wiki).

Last edited by maxskywalker (2012-07-29 15:07:19)



#512 2012-07-29 16:55:33

Registered: 2008-12-13
Posts: 500+

Re: User-made Scary Stories

everytime I write something based on pre-existing characters, I get embarrassed by it later.
like I used to write starwars stories when I was little and now I wish I could burn them.



#513 2012-07-29 17:06:15

Registered: 2009-12-06
Posts: 1000+

Re: User-made Scary Stories

What does that have to do with anything? You can write creepypasta with original setting, concept, characters and whatever.

cause a bird and a fish could fall in love/but where would they live?



#514 2012-07-29 17:09:09

Registered: 2009-05-02
Posts: 1000+

Re: User-made Scary Stories

I want to make a pasta for the little girl with smiledog's eyes and teeth that says "spread the word".

"One person's craziness is another person's reality" - Tim Burton



#515 2012-07-29 17:12:25

Registered: 2008-12-13
Posts: 500+

Re: User-made Scary Stories

jukyter wrote:

What does that have to do with anything? You can write creepypasta with original setting, concept, characters and whatever.

Yeah, I know I wrote one earlier about rotting food lol, I was just saying
too bad that narration thing didnt work out



#516 2012-07-30 09:41:48

Registered: 2010-01-09
Posts: 1000+

Re: User-made Scary Stories

A creepypasta i never finished:

Pencil Lemur by Animeboy975

Does anyone remember a late 90's show on Playhouse Disney called Pencil Lemur? Some might have, but i remember alot about the show.

The show was a innocent show about a multi-colored Lemur who tought kids how to draw things like boats and stuff.

I remember there was one episode i am still curios about. It was a episode in the 40's and it was about drawing a boat.

This was a short show, about 15 minutes each episode. But in the commercail break, my TV automatticcaly turned off.

This is when the story gets wierd. I was 4 and i went upstairs, avoiding the disturbing content it was about to show.

After that, the TV turned on. It was a fairly disturbing clip after clip after the TV turning off, but the creepy thing is that no body remembers what the disturbing part looked like.

Around when the episode came out, a big witness is from a woman named Ashley and her daughter Amanda. Amanda is currently in college, and this happened the night it aired, when Amanda was 4.

It was a nice night. Amanda had seen the new Pencil Lemur, including the disturbing content. At 1:14 in the morning, Amanda suddenly woke up. She ran to her mom's room down the hall.

She banged the door, not realizing her parents are trying to sleep. She layed on her mom. The mom suddenly woke up. "Amanda, get to bed."

She screamed, not realizing her 7-month old brother was sleeping, "PENCIL LEMUR" really loud. Suddenly, she layed on her mom.

"Sweetie Pie, what's wrong tonight?" Ashley asked. Amanda responded, with a stare, "HE'S AFTER ME."

Her scream was so loud, everybody in the neighborhood woke up. Anbulances and Police cars could be heard, stopping at little Amanda's house.

Police officers came out and asked amanda if she was OK. She looked around, seeing her 7-month old brother, in Dad's hands, bawling.

The police officer said she wasn't guilty, and gave her a flower to calm Amanda down and gave a teddy bear to Amanda's brother. He stopped crying.

The police officer went back to the Police station, and his e-mail was clogged by posts by moms about the same breakdown.

He got replies by moms "It was something on Pencil Lemur, i swear." He took a road trip to disney's headquarters.

He found Playhouse Disney's office, And a tape was laying on the ground. It said "PENCIL LEMUR-LEARN TO BOAT- 1996" The year was 1996.

He left it alone at put it on Ebay. I bought the tape, and interviewed Amanda earlier this week. She is a nice girl who, also forgot the disturbing content. So i stuck the tape in my tape player.

I heard the same normal theme as usual. "Time to draw, get your pencils 'cuz it's pencil lemur." It got on, with the lemur in the middle of the ocean with a cup. Everything was normal, like the TV-Y rating.

A genie comes out of the cup, and grants him 1 wish. The lemur replies "Everything i draw, comes to life." The genie replies "Ok." and gives him his wish. He says "Whoa, Thanks." The genie says "No problem."

There was a quick explanation of boats, for the little kids. So he starts drawing and finishes. The boat is red and pink and gets on. The genie does a evil laugh.

It was a commercial break. Just commercials and nothing else, it got on and i noticed a TV-14 RATING. Ok, this isn't gonna be good.

Pencil Lemur is relaxing on the small wooden boat. The genie pops up and the sky turns dark. He is everywhere, than sets the wooden boat on fire, flipping the poor old lemur into the fire. Than it is dark showing pencil lemur.

He has a creepy smile "I'M AFTER YOU." it turned static for a few minutes and it showed pencil lemur, on the ground dead. The genie says "Bye kids." followed by a evil laugh.

Apparently, the makers of Pencil Lemur went crazy and have been never found yet.

Tonight i was sleeping, with my old Pikachu plushie, and turned around to see a guy dressed as Pencil lemur and he screams at me "I'M AFTER YOU"

Last edited by Animeboy975 (2012-07-30 10:51:16)



#517 2012-07-30 11:10:57

Registered: 2011-09-03
Posts: 500+

Re: User-made Scary Stories


"DAD, MOM HAS DEAD!" -Henry Freeman



#518 2012-07-30 12:44:19

Registered: 2008-12-13
Posts: 500+

Re: User-made Scary Stories

here be something.   it not done
               I looked down towards the floor and my gaze was met by the hollowed-out shell of a dead rat, its remains plastered to the floor with a layer of dark grime.  My eyes cautiously drifted up and to the refrigerator, its door wide open, and I thanked all that was holy that the smell of whatever rotten food was inside had probably all drifted out through the gaping hole in the wall.
               I shuddered, and, even through my sanitary face mask and long hoodie sleeves covering my hands, felt dirty.  This was by far not the first time I'd been urban exploring, but it was one of the few occasions I'd made an expedition alone.  Still, curious, I proceeded through the abandoned remains of the house.
So far the house seemed untouched, free of written names or graffiti tags.  I was likely the first person there in a long time- and it looks like whoever was last there left in a hurry.  Dishes were left in the sink, and there were still crayon pictures of what looked like a family with a dog, though faded and barely clinging to the painted cinderblock walls.
    I continued cautiously, until I arrived at a door that caught my interest.  Unlike the others, it was closed, and from some experience with old houses, I had a feeling what was behind it.  I reached for my flashlight and grabbed the rusty door handle.  I moved it up and down, and after some struggle, burst into the basement.
I moved stealthily down the stairs, and was pleasantly surprised to see a window just above ground-level looking out on a flower-bed and letting in the remaining drops of daylight.  I wouldn’t need a flashlight after all.  I shut the door behind me.
                  I put my hands at my sides and peered at shelves of old tools and canned foods.  It wasn’t anything special really… there was another little door though.  It probably only held a water heater or a laundry room, but it was worth a shot.
                   As I jogged towards it, a hanging fishhook suddenly came into focus right in front of my face.  Startled, I jumped back, right into one of the metal shelves that crowded the room.  It tipped backwards, and in seconds I was on the ground, covering my head to avoid the barrage of washers and bolts that cascaded down.  My flashlight skidded across the room to who-knows-where, and the heavy shelf was now leaning against the wall, blocking the window that had once let in light.
                   When it was all over, I opened one eye, half expecting some raging person to come down and start scolding me.  Not that anyone was there- at least, that’s what I wanted to think.



#519 2012-07-30 13:22:24

Registered: 2008-12-13
Posts: 500+

Re: User-made Scary Stories

Animeboy975 wrote:

A Apparently, the makers of Pencil Lemur went crazy and have been never found yet.




#520 2012-07-30 13:24:08

Registered: 2009-05-02
Posts: 1000+

Re: User-made Scary Stories

zbugni wrote:

Animeboy975 wrote:

A Apparently, the makers of Pencil Lemur went crazy and have been never found yet.




"One person's craziness is another person's reality" - Tim Burton



#521 2012-07-30 13:26:25

Registered: 2009-02-10
Posts: 1000+

Re: User-made Scary Stories

samid11 wrote:

zbugni wrote:

Animeboy975 wrote:

A Apparently, the makers of Pencil Lemur went crazy and have been never found yet.




i saw a fan story for candle cove which basically said the same thing
the director was all bad in the brain so everybody left the show
then he accidentally hung himself :Y



#522 2012-07-30 13:29:00

Registered: 2011-09-03
Posts: 500+

Re: User-made Scary Stories

Fun Fact I learned from commercials:

The skin taker is some kind of ghost. I'm serious, it's a real ledgend. So I might have a vauge idea as to where THAT came from...


"DAD, MOM HAS DEAD!" -Henry Freeman



#523 2012-07-30 13:30:43

Registered: 2009-02-10
Posts: 1000+

Re: User-made Scary Stories

weegeeissparta wrote:

Fun Fact I learned from commercials:

The skin taker is some kind of ghost. I'm serious, it's a real ledgend. So I might have a vauge idea as to where THAT came from...


the skin taker isnt a ghost, hes a skeleton :I
in the fan story i mentioned a moment ago he wasnt some phantom puppet because at one point they mentioned him having a voice actor and that in the screaming episode his throat started bleeding
man that pasta was pretty good, plus it was moderately plausible

Last edited by 777w (2012-07-30 13:31:10)



#524 2012-07-30 13:34:47

Registered: 2008-12-13
Posts: 500+

Re: User-made Scary Stories

anyone read mah half pasta?



#525 2012-07-30 13:36:27

Registered: 2008-12-13
Posts: 500+

Re: User-made Scary Stories

777w wrote:

then he accidentally hung himself :Y

achievement get  big_smile



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