Cheddargirl has been curator for almost a month. Could this be a bug?
Um, I've only been curator for a little more than a week, not a month.
Scratch is planning to have curators changed every two weeks. If I'm not mistaken, my last day is Sunday.
Isometric wrote:
No, you haven't cheddargirl. You at least got to be it for 3 weeks now.
No, that's not possible, I have no idea where everyone is getting this incorrect number of days. The Scratch Team asked me to be curator exactly one week and three days ago, that was when my duties and actions as curator were effective.
Chaddar has been on for 1 week at least but less than 3
Time is slow =P
Our initial plan is to have a new curator every 2 weeks. That means that tomorrow Sunday June 14 we'll have a new curator. Cheddargirl has done a great job as a curator displaying a wide range of projects. Thanks!
Can I be curator
bosox397 wrote:
Can I be curator
Requests for curators go here: