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#2726 2012-07-28 21:42:01

Registered: 2011-12-30
Posts: 1000+

Re: Eternity Incurakai

XenoK wrote:

ilackoriginality's post?

Which one? I read all the posts since I joined EI.




#2727 2012-07-28 23:22:21

Registered: 2011-10-30
Posts: 500+

Re: Eternity Incurakai

Boy howdy look at all those tl;dr textwalls! Anyway it looks like quite an interesting discussion going on, so I'll write one of my own.

With regards to me leaving Scratch, it's not because I've run out of free time, it's because I simply have no interest in entertaining its demographic. I'm already a bit preoccupied making full, smooth animation for another site, Scratch is just a place I can upload some quick doodles to. Even when I do get interested in making cartoons for the demographic, when I see a bunch of comments that pretty much generalize this site as a hub for kids and nothing more, it's a fairly discouraging thing as an artist.

Now then, onto Borrego's tl;dr textwall.

I'm a bit confused. You have over a 100 pages, loads of members plus a fancy website but I haven't seen your collab make much. Pretty much any Eternity product has seemed to come from XenoK, and I'm wondering what the collaboration actually gets up to other than looking for errors, advertising or doing another minor job.

Yes you have a description on your home page, but that's general management talk and not anything real. Oh, and do you really need a branding officer? What does the finance department do? Do they count love-its?

I do understand where you're coming from and I do agree with some of this to a certain extent.

Eternity Inc. does focus quite a bit on the marketing aspect (or maintenance aspect) but maybe it's better if we get all of the maintenance done so that once our actual collaborations are released that we won't have any technical difficulties to worry about.

I'm not saying this to be horrible as I'm in quite a happy mood today, I'm just overwhelmed at how big the "company" is and how little from the whole group is coming out. You should be making huge projects and hiring temporary staff to work on each not having a single person make little tutorial projects. Because the company seems to be trying to do everything but what it has done is not really that clear, new comers will be left confused and you'll lose business.

As somebody who's worked with Flash for 3 years, and made numerous several-minute cartoons with it, I can say that if you tried to attempt a fraction of what Flash can do in Scratch, you'd be frankly disappointed.

Considering how arbitrary the popularity, view or any kind of system on Scratch is, especially with the lack of a rating system and the fact that they delete any comment that is even 1% offensive, it's hard to tell if making a big project is worth it.

A true masterpiece can go ignored when a silly, narcissistic doodle gets tons and tons of recognition.

Having a single person make tutorial projects isn't too bad of an idea. In fact, if every member started making little projects and attaching the "Eternity Inc." name, I think we'd be fairly well-known and it'd show that rather than a super-serious company, that our goal is to revolutionize entertainment and produce worthwhile projects for viewers.

I have no idea if my advice will help as I've never been good with running my own collaborations (as you might have guessed)




but perhaps you need to get your branding officer (if they're not too busy) to re-brand the company as perhaps a project designer because that's all you can really do on scratch, it's hard to focus on much else. Maybe a project designer which keeps it's website and still provides it's current services.

That's exactly what I've been trying to do, I'm trying to get the group to collaborate on animated music video to reflect spirit or some other silly thing I said.

Without any goals, there will be less motivation because there will be nothing to aim for. At the moment this is the largest company on scratch, but if you took my advice it maybe smaller, but it would be the greatest collaboration on scratch.


What have we done other than mesh that really Revolutionized Entertainment....not a lot.  Lets keep up our promise and really make a breakthrough project.

Have A Nice Day anybody?

could non-members please refrain from posting here, as it has proven in the past to create more drama, and cause fights, in which we really don't need on this thread? thanks!

I do understand this was written with the best intentions though I think it might be worthwhile advice.

That's what I've been trying to do. Y'know, before everybody randomly left.

Actually, they don't have to produce anything.  They are not receiving any compensation for their efforts and they have made no contracts to produce anything (that I am aware of).  Perhaps they are enjoying the collaboration and teamwork experience and feel that the skills and fun they are getting from the experience are reward enough.

It really depends on what route they're aiming for:

a) build a company and use it to polish their skills
b) build a company to be the greatest company of all time and save the universe
c) a mixture of two

the first two routes will always have their problems. the first route usually results in going off-track. the second route usually results in xdfghjuytreserdtyutrkeesn

Third one is best

Anyway I think Borrego has good intentions, but some of his points may be a bit outdated now.

Why did I write this.



#2728 2012-07-28 23:25:42

Registered: 2011-10-30
Posts: 500+

Re: Eternity Incurakai

How far is everybody? I still have to make the alt account and upload the 23-second segments of "Have a Nice Day"

Unless somebody else did it
but somebody might have a different version of the song that might be slightly longer and it might be messed up


i'll post the song segments, should i post them here or on the actual official forums



#2729 2012-07-28 23:28:57

Registered: 2011-09-08
Posts: 1000+

Re: Eternity Incurakai

ilackoriginality wrote:

How far is everybody? I still have to make the alt account and upload the 23-second segments of "Have a Nice Day"

Unless somebody else did it
but somebody might have a different version of the song that might be slightly longer and it might be messed up


i'll post the song segments, should i post them here or on the actual official forums

our forums.

Eternity Tasks has launched into Alpha One!



#2730 2012-07-28 23:30:14

Registered: 2011-12-30
Posts: 1000+

Re: Eternity Incurakai

Why did I write this.

To tell the world of your sensible opinions that I am in %100 agreement with. I agree with everything said here. All sides have their points.




#2731 2012-07-28 23:31:21

Registered: 2011-10-30
Posts: 500+

Re: Eternity Incurakai

Good idea.

Anyway I've been worrying that the Scratch program might not put together the parts so well. We could:

a) try to fit everything into one project. Put a lot of extra effort trying to make it one project and try to get it under the 10MB limit

b) sacrifice the theatrical feel and have one person upload everybody's part so that we can see how well certain parts are received and so that we don't need to worry about that technical mumbo-jumbo



#2732 2012-07-28 23:31:57

Registered: 2011-09-08
Posts: 1000+

Re: Eternity Incurakai

I know very well how to handle my own company.  Yoshiboy, I thought you quit, Borrego, I really don't need your advice, everything is going according to plan on my part.  And thirdly, check out the tricked out navigation that I just made on the website!

Eternity Tasks has launched into Alpha One!



#2733 2012-07-28 23:35:45

Registered: 2011-10-30
Posts: 500+

Re: Eternity Incurakai

ilackoriginality wrote:

Good idea.

Anyway I've been worrying that the Scratch program might not put together the parts so well. We could:

a) try to fit everything into one project. Put a lot of extra effort trying to make it one project and try to get it under the 10MB limit

b) sacrifice the theatrical feel and have one person upload everybody's part so that we can see how well certain parts are received and so that we don't need to worry about that technical mumbo-jumbo

Gosh golly jeepers!!



#2734 2012-07-28 23:38:34

Registered: 2011-09-08
Posts: 1000+

Re: Eternity Incurakai

ilackoriginality wrote:

ilackoriginality wrote:

Good idea.

Anyway I've been worrying that the Scratch program might not put together the parts so well. We could:

a) try to fit everything into one project. Put a lot of extra effort trying to make it one project and try to get it under the 10MB limit

b) sacrifice the theatrical feel and have one person upload everybody's part so that we can see how well certain parts are received and so that we don't need to worry about that technical mumbo-jumbo

Gosh golly jeepers!!

We could upload a preview to scratch, and host the full version on the website.

Eternity Tasks has launched into Alpha One!



#2735 2012-07-28 23:40:05

Registered: 2011-10-30
Posts: 500+

Re: Eternity Incurakai

As silly as this might sound people generally aren't good with links.

If you'd notice, on YouTube videos that link to other sites, they have 265,000 views but the actual video they linked to probably has 15,000. Basically 18% of people click links

Of course that's probably erroneous information and it's a good idea.

Last edited by ilackoriginality (2012-07-28 23:40:36)



#2736 2012-07-28 23:42:35

Registered: 2011-09-08
Posts: 1000+

Re: Eternity Incurakai

ilackoriginality wrote:

As silly as this might sound people generally aren't good with links.

If you'd notice, on YouTube videos that link to other sites, they have 265,000 views but the actual video they linked to probably has 15,000. Basically 18% of people click links

Of course that's probably erroneous information and it's a good idea.

I have an idea for the preview that would really direct users to the full project, but I shouldn't talk about it on this thread, it'd give away too much.

Eternity Tasks has launched into Alpha One!



#2737 2012-07-28 23:43:56

Registered: 2011-09-08
Posts: 1000+

Re: Eternity Incurakai

I'm gonna make a topic for this on our forums.  are you able to see the dev team staff center?

Eternity Tasks has launched into Alpha One!



#2738 2012-07-28 23:57:41

Registered: 2011-09-08
Posts: 1000+

Re: Eternity Incurakai

guys, please use the full name: Eternity Incurakai wherever possible.  It's fine if you want to save typing to just put Inc., but we aren't incorporated, and I don't want to imply that.

Eternity Tasks has launched into Alpha One!



#2739 2012-07-28 23:59:05

Registered: 2011-10-30
Posts: 500+

Re: Eternity Incurakai




#2740 2012-07-29 00:00:49

Registered: 2011-09-08
Posts: 1000+

Re: Eternity Incurakai

ilackoriginality wrote:


ok....  did you see the new navigation bar?

Eternity Tasks has launched into Alpha One!



#2741 2012-07-29 00:05:03

Registered: 2011-12-30
Posts: 1000+

Re: Eternity Incurakai

I did quit. And one of the best ways to run a company is to always be open to advice, no matter who it comes from. <- there's a piece of advice for ya!




#2742 2012-07-29 00:13:38

Registered: 2011-09-08
Posts: 1000+

Re: Eternity Incurakai

Yoshiboy wrote:

I did quit. And one of the best ways to run a company is to always be open to advice, no matter who it comes from. <- there's a piece of advice for ya!

I'm open to it, you can send me however many emails you want via the contact on the Eternity Website, that you want.  The thing is, while I'm open to it, I'm not always going to take it, and run.  Again, I know how to handle my own company, and this is not the thread to be posting in about your advice.  Start an advice column in our Suggestions forum.  Let's reduce how off-topic this is by carrying your advice to that thread, so we can all be happy!  Thanks, and Live the Eternity 

This honestly isn't the place to try and start drama, and I'm not going to let that happen here.  Everyone, back on topic.  I am not open to any suggestions on this thread.  If you aren't a team member, please refrain from posting on this thread, to reduce the drama that can potentially be unnecessarily caused by wanderers.  This can also better keep it on topic, which is the ultimate goal here, pretty much.  Stay.  on. topic!!

Eternity Tasks has launched into Alpha One!



#2743 2012-07-29 00:44:15

Registered: 2011-12-30
Posts: 1000+

Re: Eternity Incurakai

Um, how is it off topic? It is %100 EI-related.




#2744 2012-07-29 00:45:08

Registered: 2011-09-08
Posts: 1000+

Re: Eternity Incurakai

I'm gonna spend most of my time at Eternity Incurakai doing web development.  Which means that I'll most likely have to hand over the CDO position to ilackoriginality, in which, he will talk with me from time to time, and take over administering the thread.  If you wants to make any changes to the first post, just make a thread about it on our forums, and I will change it.  Scratch has finally come to the point where it bores me half to death every time I open up the scratch application.  I'm most definitely ready to move on.  I'll be leaving scratch for the most part, but not Eternity Incurakai

Eternity Tasks has launched into Alpha One!



#2745 2012-07-29 00:48:40

Registered: 2011-12-30
Posts: 1000+

Re: Eternity Incurakai

Yoshiboy wrote:

Um, how is it off topic? It is %100 EI-related.




#2746 2012-07-29 02:18:19

Registered: 2012-03-11
Posts: 1000+

Re: Eternity Incurakai

XenoK wrote:

I'm gonna spend most of my time at Eternity Incurakai doing web development.  Which means that I'll most likely have to hand over the CDO position to ilackoriginality, in which, he will talk with me from time to time, and take over administering the thread.  If you wants to make any changes to the first post, just make a thread about it on our forums, and I will change it.  Scratch has finally come to the point where it bores me half to death every time I open up the scratch application.  I'm most definitely ready to move on.  I'll be leaving scratch for the most part, but not Eternity Incurakai

Don't quit yet, 2.0 is coming in a month, then there will be TONS of new stuff you can play around with!

"Submarines are like water like underwater airplanes" O_o



#2747 2012-07-29 02:36:59

Registered: 2011-09-08
Posts: 1000+

Re: Eternity Incurakai

ExtremelyGamer wrote:

XenoK wrote:

I'm gonna spend most of my time at Eternity Incurakai doing web development.  Which means that I'll most likely have to hand over the CDO position to ilackoriginality, in which, he will talk with me from time to time, and take over administering the thread.  If you wants to make any changes to the first post, just make a thread about it on our forums, and I will change it.  Scratch has finally come to the point where it bores me half to death every time I open up the scratch application.  I'm most definitely ready to move on.  I'll be leaving scratch for the most part, but not Eternity Incurakai

Don't quit yet, 2.0 is coming in a month, then there will be TONS of new stuff you can play around with!

is that confirmed?!

Eternity Tasks has launched into Alpha One!



#2748 2012-07-29 02:39:02

Registered: 2012-03-11
Posts: 1000+

Re: Eternity Incurakai

XenoK wrote:

ExtremelyGamer wrote:

XenoK wrote:

I'm gonna spend most of my time at Eternity Incurakai doing web development.  Which means that I'll most likely have to hand over the CDO position to ilackoriginality, in which, he will talk with me from time to time, and take over administering the thread.  If you wants to make any changes to the first post, just make a thread about it on our forums, and I will change it.  Scratch has finally come to the point where it bores me half to death every time I open up the scratch application.  I'm most definitely ready to move on.  I'll be leaving scratch for the most part, but not Eternity Incurakai

Don't quit yet, 2.0 is coming in a month, then there will be TONS of new stuff you can play around with!

is that confirmed?!

It is confirmed that it's coming out. But there's no specific date and time! The reange is about 25th of August to 12th september I'd say.

"Submarines are like water like underwater airplanes" O_o



#2749 2012-07-29 02:41:06

Registered: 2011-09-08
Posts: 1000+

Re: Eternity Incurakai

ExtremelyGamer wrote:

XenoK wrote:

ExtremelyGamer wrote:

Don't quit yet, 2.0 is coming in a month, then there will be TONS of new stuff you can play around with!

is that confirmed?!

It is confirmed that it's coming out. But there's no specific date and time! The reange is about 25th of August to 12th september I'd say.

until then, you won't see me on as often as not.  I'll check up now and then to see how things are doing with the animation, but that's about it.  I'll be working hard on the website.

Eternity Tasks has launched into Alpha One!



#2750 2012-07-29 03:18:31

Registered: 2012-03-11
Posts: 1000+

Re: Eternity Incurakai

XenoK wrote:

ExtremelyGamer wrote:

XenoK wrote:

is that confirmed?!

It is confirmed that it's coming out. But there's no specific date and time! The reange is about 25th of August to 12th september I'd say.

until then, you won't see me on as often as not.  I'll check up now and then to see how things are doing with the animation, but that's about it.  I'll be working hard on the website.

OK, I'll tell you when I find out the date for it or it's out

"Submarines are like water like underwater airplanes" O_o



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