Who plays that game? It's for the DS systems, and it's more fun than Pokemon (sometimes).
I made a topic about it earlier... can't find it.
Anyways, if you want to quickly rank up, get a hoplo, B-plesio and parium rank 20, put parium as the only vivosaur in the AZ, the vivosaurs you want to rank up in the reserves, and repeatedly battle lester until the vivosaurs you want are rank 20
Haven't beat Zongazonga yet though.
Team: Level 8 Trex Lord, lvl 20 Heracles, lvl 18-19 Nycto Ace, Lvl 17-18 Venator, Lvl. 20 Dimetro.
Firedrake969 wrote:
Haven't beat Zongazonga yet though.
Team: Level 8 Trex Lord, lvl 20 Heracles, lvl 18-19 Nycto Ace, Lvl 17-18 Venator, Lvl. 20 Dimetro.
I beat it the first time with AZ Shoni (Treasure lake (rare)) SZ Coelanth (Giant Fire type fossil at bonehemoth) SZ Radox (Hot Spring Heights Pay-to-dig, Curious Air Type) It is Necessary that radox is rank 20 due to it's LP and rank 20 support (-30 percent all enemy AZ stats, Plus it has life charge, which restores 200 LP for 160 FP)