I really need a block like this:
when [Options v] clicked broadcast [Options v] wait until <(I receive [Screen v])>
Last edited by gooeygoo (2012-07-19 13:37:56)
gooeygoo wrote:
Greenatic wrote:
gooeygoo wrote:
When gf clicked go to [1:16] of sound [1] Wait until <(sound)=[6:21]> Go to [1:16] of sound [1]The sound one is allowed you to go to the section of the song, and you don't need to wait!Oh, you mean a block like this?
play from (60) seconds into [song v]So it starts a certain number of seconds into the song, and continues playing? I can make that easily if that's what you want, but not tonight. Maybe tomorrow.![]()
Thanks! That works, but If it was this, it would go directly to that part of the song
when gf clicked Forever play ( ) of song [Larries Lement v] Wait until <<sound> = [6:21]> go back to ( ) of song [Larries Lement v]
So you want, basically, a "rewind to ( ) of [sound v]" block?
As for the other one, we have a <[broadcast v] received?> block.
Last edited by Greenatic (2012-07-19 15:13:15)
gooeygoo wrote:
And can you see my post above? it's suppost to be a broadcast signal so you can way for it![]()
Yeah, so wouldn't this block work? We already have it.
wait until <[broadcast v] received?>And for the rewind block, would it start playing from there?
Last edited by Greenatic (2012-07-19 15:42:24)
gooeygoo wrote:
It would be like going from 0:00 to 0:16.
('play %S from %n seconds' #- #Play:From:)
Play: t1 From: t2
| t3 |
t3 _ self soundNamed: t1 ifAbsent:[^ self].
t3 playFrom: t2.
Pitusky12 wrote:
Where do i put the code?
How much do you know about modding Scratch?
Category is operators.
Rounding functions - floor and ceiling
Floor reports the number rounded down automatically. e.g. 6.9 = 6 but 6.1 still = 6.
Ceiling reports the number rounded up automatically. e.g. 6.1 = 7 but 6.9 still = 7.
('floor of %n' #r #floorOf: 6.9)
floorOf: t1 ^ (t1 - 0.5) rounded
('ceiling of %n' #r #ceilingOf: 6.1)
ceilingOf: t1 ^ (t1 + 0.5) rounded
Last edited by chanmanpartyman (2012-07-22 19:50:20)
Category is controls
clone at x:y:
('clone at x:%n y:%n' #- #cloneAtX:y: #- #-)
cloneAtX: t1 y: t2 | t3 t4 | t3 _ self referencePosition x. t4 _ self referencePosition y. self referencePosition: t1 @ t2. self duplicateNoAttach. self referencePosition: t3 @ t4
Pitusky12 wrote:
Greenatic wrote:
Pitusky12 wrote:
Where do i put the code?
How much do you know about modding Scratch?
I know a lot ,but i dont remember where to put the code.
Scratch-Objects > ScriptableScratchMorph/ScratchSpriteMorph/ScratchStageMorph > class > block specs > blockSpecs
Scratch-Objects > ScriptableScratchMorph/ScratchSpriteMorph/ScratchStageMorph > any category
Were do you put the code for the
open [lallaway12]s My stuff page
Please can you add were the code needs to go becuse it is hard remebering were all the code needs to be
lallaway12 wrote:
Please can you add were the code needs to go becuse it is hard remebering were all the code needs to be
I just posted it
Greenatic wrote:
Pitusky12 wrote:
Greenatic wrote:
How much do you know about modding Scratch?I know a lot ,but i dont remember where to put the code.
Scratch-Objects > ScriptableScratchMorph/ScratchSpriteMorph/ScratchStageMorph > class > block specs > blockSpecs
Scratch-Objects > ScriptableScratchMorph/ScratchSpriteMorph/ScratchStageMorph > any category
Greenatic wrote:
lallaway12 wrote:
Please can you add were the code needs to go becuse it is hard remebering were all the code needs to be
I just posted it
Greenatic wrote:
Pitusky12 wrote:
I know a lot ,but i dont remember where to put the code.Blockspecs:
Scratch-Objects > ScriptableScratchMorph/ScratchSpriteMorph/ScratchStageMorph > class > block specs > blockSpecs
Scratch-Objects > ScriptableScratchMorph/ScratchSpriteMorph/ScratchStageMorph > any category
No for the blocks! *facepalm*
lallaway12 wrote:
Greenatic wrote:
lallaway12 wrote:
Please can you add were the code needs to go becuse it is hard remebering were all the code needs to be
I just posted it
Greenatic wrote:
Scratch-Objects > ScriptableScratchMorph/ScratchSpriteMorph/ScratchStageMorph > class > block specs > blockSpecs
Scratch-Objects > ScriptableScratchMorph/ScratchSpriteMorph/ScratchStageMorph > any categoryNo for the blocks! *facepalm*
Yes for the blocks.
A blockspec is the code that determines the appearance of a block. It looks like this:
('example block' #- #exampleBlock)
The method is the other code that determines what the block will do.
Greenatic wrote:
lallaway12 wrote:
Greenatic wrote:
lallaway12 wrote:
Please can you add were the code needs to go becuse it is hard remebering were all the code needs to be
I just posted it
No for the blocks! *facepalm*
Yes for the blocks.
A blockspec is the code that determines the appearance of a block. It looks like this:
('example block' #- #exampleBlock)
The method is the other code that determines what the block will do.![]()
No not the blockspec the code
lallaway12 wrote:
Greenatic wrote:
lallaway12 wrote:
No for the blocks! *facepalm*Yes for the blocks.
A blockspec is the code that determines the appearance of a block. It looks like this:
('example block' #- #exampleBlock)
The method is the other code that determines what the block will do.![]()
No not the blockspec the code
ScriptableScratchMorph instance
dreamod wrote:
lallaway12 wrote:
Greenatic wrote:
Yes for the blocks.![]()
A blockspec is the code that determines the appearance of a block. It looks like this:
('example block' #- #exampleBlock)
The method is the other code that determines what the block will do.![]()
No not the blockspec the code
ScriptableScratchMorph instance
Ok were do you put the code for the
Open [username]s my stuff pageand the
open the ( enter id ) th forum page
lallaway12 wrote:
dreamod wrote:
lallaway12 wrote:
No not the blockspec the codeScriptableScratchMorph instance
Ok were do you put the code for the
Open [username]s my stuff pageand theopen the ( enter id ) th forum page
ScriptableScratchMorph > instance> > any category
Greenatic wrote:
lallaway12 wrote:
dreamod wrote:
ScriptableScratchMorph instanceOk were do you put the code for the
Open [username]s my stuff pageand theopen the ( enter id ) th forum pageScriptableScratchMorph > instance> > any category
Witch catorge? or Just any?
lallaway12 wrote:
Greenatic wrote:
lallaway12 wrote:
Ok were do you put the code for theOpen [username]s my stuff pageand theopen the ( enter id ) th forum pageScriptableScratchMorph > instance> > any category
Witch catorge? or Just any?
Any category.
ftf841 wrote:
i'm going to use some of these blocks in My Mod!
Excellent! Just make sure you give credit.