for example, say you saw a language/programming mistake in a project, and you want to help the author to see it: you should be able to correct the mistake and send the corrected version to the author, then he will be able to 'accept' the changes.
(Very similar to the stackoverflow version, for the people who know, just without users with overrights)
I think that it would seem invasive to have people suggesting changes to your project. I mean if I type an essay, I dont want 5 people changing every little detail for me. I am also against this idea because I only think help should be given when asked for.
I think it would just be easier to post a comment saying what was done wrong.
i don't think other people should be able to edit your project, think about it, do you want a troll to take control of your project and ruin it, i don't, what about you?
well actually the whole point of Scratch is remixing and downloading.
In a way you can: remix, and they can import your version.
But if you don't want to, commenting should suffice.