On the 2.0 site we should be able to sort projects on people's user pages. We could sort them by most downloads, love-its, views, comments, age, and sort them alphabetically.
Users should also be given a way to elevate some of their projects to the top of the display, like the "stickied" forum topics. I know its planned for one single project, but id like to be able to have 2 or 3.
I support this idea as well! It would allow people to show the projects that they want the most people to see at the top, which would therefore (hopefully) cause a major decrease in the # of advertising/spamming of projects.
By the way, what does "bump" mean in your last comment. It's not spamming so that the forum stays towards the front, is it?
Wes64 wrote:
It is meant to keep the thread at the top, but it is a completely acceptable practice.
Not in some cases. It's only considered approperiate by most people if it is on page 2+
you should only bump if its on page 3+, although it is acceptable to bump on page 2 occupationally. But bumping from page 1 is spamming.