Hi, i wish to make a number go from 1 to 10 every time an object touches the number. How do i do that? This program is a great idea and it will give me and my nephew hours of fun.
Another question.
Can you import sounds using a internet phone or do you have to use another device?
Thanks for everybodys help.
As an example/experiment try this...
Make a Variable called Counter
Make a Sprite called Numbers with 10 costumes showing digits 1 to 10
put this in the middle of the stage
Make a Sprite called object and put it to the left of the Numbers sprite
Add this script to the Object sprite
When Green Flag Clicked
Set Counter to 0
Repeat until Counter = 10
Repeat until touching Numbers?
Move 10 steps
Broadcast ShiftUp
Change Counter by 1
Set X to -150
Set y to 0
To the Numbers sprite add this script:
When I receive ShiftUp
Next Costume
Could you adapt this to your particular needs?
Thanks for your answer. Will try this over the weekend when nephew comes over to work on project. The more i use this, the more questions i have. I used the internet phone to record sound and it worked. Thanks again.