Look, I am making Age of War, A game with mouse Scrolling Where the troops move to the right, or to the left. Everything went right, but the troops move, but 0.016 seconds later, they go back to their original position! Like if they were shaking or somethen. Here are the scripts:
<when green flag clicked>
<set y to( 90)
<hide> <---- from unit
<when green flag clicked>
<set{ Stage X }to( (( <mouse x> </> -4 )) <---- from stage (real)
<when green flag clicked>
<set y to( 90)
<set x to( <{ Stage X }> <------- from background (The sprite)
All What's Coming Next is from the unit (Caveman Warrior)
<when green flag clicked>
<set{ stick caveman }to( (( (( <X Position> <+> <{ Stage X }> )) </> 2 ))
<when green flag clicked>
<set x to( <{ Stick Caveman 1 }>
<when I receive[ Real Play Now
<set x to( -100
<switch to costume[ Walk 1
<repeat until> << <touching[ Enemy unit <or> <touching[ Enemy castle >>
<switch to costume[ walk 2
<wait( 0.016 )secs>
<move( 4 )steps>
<switch to costume[ walk 3
<wait( 0.016 )secs>
<move( 4 )steps>
<switch to costume[ walk 4
<wait( 0.016 )secs>
<move( 4 )steps>
<switch to costume[ walk 1
<wait( 0.016 )secs>
<move( 4 )steps>
That is what I used, but the guy doesn't move!
Oh I also did the hide and shows with the x position but that works good so it doesn't matter
frank1281 wrote:
Yea I finihsed everythin
Good for you for figuring it out! In the future if you have a problem, sometimes it's simpler to just post the project to the website, then post a message here in the Troubleshooting forum with a link to your project and a description of your problem. That way people can just download the project and look at the scripts...it's easier than making all those blocks
I want to make a game but make it simple i am new to this
Princess2281 wrote:
I want to make a game but make it simple i am new to this
Hi Princess2281 - To make a game you need first to download the Scratch program
and then learn how to build games with it by snapping the blocks together. Once you have downloaded Scratch, you can also download projects from the web and see how they were put together...that's a really good way to learn