im making a simple city tycoon and i have grass and a house button and when you click the house button you can click the grass and it becomes a house then people move in i need when you mouse over it but dont click it turns into a preview of a house
Last edited by ZombieHappines (2012-07-23 23:54:36)
the script is...
foreveriftouching mouse-pointer vswitch to costumeyour house preview costume ▼elseswitch to costumeyour grass texture ▼
Last edited by hunter6690 (2012-07-24 00:24:17)
bullelk12 wrote:
that's almost exactly what I would do, it works
Yep i used it in muh OS about 8 times
hunter6690 wrote:
the script is...
foreveriftouching mouse-pointer vswitch to costumeyour house preview costume ▼elseswitch to costumeyour grass texture ▼
i want to click the house button then it previews so i have the house button when clicked broadcast house and this is what i have for the grass
and this doesnt work because it doesnt turn off when i click to buy the house so it turns back to grass when i move the mouse awaywhen i receive houseforeveriftouching mouse-pointer vswitch to costumehouse ▼elseswitch to costumegrass ▼
Last edited by ZombieHappines (2012-07-24 12:16:42)
I would like to look at your project and help you with that, but from what I can see, the problem with the script is that if the sprite isn't being touched by the mouse pointer, it will automatically turn into the grass costume, causing this glitch.
I hope that this script helps!Whenclicked
foreveriftouchingmouse pointer ▼?switch to costumepreview of house ▼showiftouchingandmouse pointer ▼?mouse down?switch to costumebought house ▼showend scriptifnottouchingmouse pointer ▼?hide
Last edited by ErnieParke (2012-07-27 10:18:30)