I created a menu that consists of playgame, instructions, howtoplay and credits. When I click on play game it sends a broad cast and the game begins but before I did this for ,instruction if clicks, would change costume and give a text of what to do. But when i now click on instructions it goes straight into game ?! I don't understand please help!!
jono3814 wrote:
I created a menu that consists of playgame, instructions, howtoplay and credits. When I click on play game it sends a broad cast and the game begins but before I did this for ,instruction if clicks, would change costume and give a text of what to do. But when i now click on instructions it goes straight into game ?! I don't understand please help!!
Can we see the code? It's hard to help without seeing what exactly you did.
From what you're saying, it sounds as though your instructions are broadcasting the same signal as your start button. Remove that and you'll be back in business. By the way, in future, I'd recommend using variables for levels, and starting games, because you won't need as many signals - I.E. "Start level 1" and "Start level 2" could simply be reduced to a variable level, which can change value.
- iNK
For that you use this
now for the button
when Sprite1 clicked brodcast [your message v]now for the menu
when gf clicked hide when Sprite1 recieve [your message v] show
Last edited by hunter6690 (2012-07-21 01:03:00)