im not a total newbie, so i know how to do that, but how do i make a sprite go towards where another sprite was when it was fired, and return to a certain point when it hits the edge
XXtitaniumfangXX wrote:
im not a total newbie, so i know how to do that, but how do i make a sprite go towards where another sprite was when it was fired, and return to a certain point when it hits the edge
i mean how to make a sprite aim at another sprite and just go in a straight line instead of following the other sprite, until it reaches a wall and returns to where it was to fire again
XXtitaniumfangXX wrote:
XXtitaniumfangXX wrote:
im not a total newbie, so i know how to do that, but how do i make a sprite go towards where another sprite was when it was fired, and return to a certain point when it hits the edge
i mean how to make a sprite aim at another sprite and just go in a straight line instead of following the other sprite, until it reaches a wall and returns to where it was to fire again
Try this.
when gf clicked forever go to [cannon v] repeat until <mouse down?> point towards [target v] end repeat until <<touching [edge v]?> or <touching [target v]?>> move (3) steps end if <touching [target v]?> change [points v] by (1) end end
when gf clicked forever if <thing that happens> point towards [target v] repeat until <touching [edge v]?> move (10) steps end go to [cannon v] end
Last edited by berberberber (2012-07-20 15:00:18)
hm.. a bit off what i was looking for, but now i can make this game 2 player D