SpriteMaster wrote:
3D printers aren't realistic in my eyes
They use them in the LEGO company to test prototypes. I've seen one in real life work.
Cool story!
jackrulez wrote:
The concept of printing microchips and such sounds kind of far-fetched to me; I imagine that instead, you'd go to a phone (or whatever) store, purchase the internal components (battery, screen, et cetra), and then plug your own materials (or theirs for a fee) into the 3D printer and print the rest of the phone with your own modifications.
most current 3D printers can only print ABS plastic, but there isn't any reason why it wouldn't also be possible to print out copper for wires and other materials in the future.
I've heard of these 3D printers, and it seems pretty amazing. While printing out an entire smartphone chip may not be entirely practical in only ten years, in 40 years it could be.
scimonster wrote:
I've heard of these 3D printers, and it seems pretty amazing. While printing out an entire smartphone chip may not be entirely practical in only ten years, in 40 years it could be.
Yeah. 40 years ago a computer that fit in a single room wasn't practical.
Paddle2See wrote:
16Skittles wrote:
But outside of the universe, nothing exists. The very concept of 'existence' is not possible. Although it may be difficult to think of, not ever space nor time exist outside. It is so pure of form of nothing, that we, as forms of something, can not begin to comprehend it.
And here is where we find topics becoming flame wars: any topic in which there is not sufficient evidence to accept any of the sides as fact. Personally I think we should drop the subject, as it does not relate to the original discussion.
I agree. The discussion is about 3D printing - please don't turn it into a philosophical debate on the structure of the universe
It's not philosophy but, meh.
I don't think we are in danger of chairs ending up as bombs. It's pretty likely the things needed to make a successful bomb will not be a type of ink in the printer.
poopo wrote:
My school has a 3D printer.
poopo wrote:
My school has a 3D printer.
Wow, that's quite cool.
stevetheipad wrote:
poopo wrote:
My school has a 3D printer.
Wow, that's quite cool.
The high school my dad teaches at has one as well.
The teacher who knows how to use it printed a part to fix a drawer off for us.
jji7skyline wrote:
soupoftomato wrote:
But you're forgetting, we used to see the future as the place that would have flying cars.
That never happened. Instead of transportation we focused on communication and computers. Whose to say we don't switch again?So you're saying we'll have flying cars instead of 3D and Circuit printers? Sounds like a good trade off to me
lol not me. People have lots of trouble driving. I'd be scared that they'd ram me out of the sky
Soup: Orwell saw it as a world completely controlled by the government
I forgot to say it earlier, but there are also 3D printers that work by a laser hardening layers of resin in a container to create the final result, but it is not as practical as the other method.
imnotbob wrote:
jji7skyline wrote:
soupoftomato wrote:
But you're forgetting, we used to see the future as the place that would have flying cars.
That never happened. Instead of transportation we focused on communication and computers. Whose to say we don't switch again?So you're saying we'll have flying cars instead of 3D and Circuit printers? Sounds like a good trade off to me
Soup: Orwell saw it as a world completely controlled by the government
I know.
This is about scientific advancement though.
ftf841 wrote:
poopo wrote:
My school has a 3D printer.
no fair!
I wish I was in your school! But then again, maybe not
I heard there are kits and stuff they sell online so you can build your own. I'm just not sure about the software bit, and what kind of 3D models it is compatible with. Blender? Sketchup?
jji7skyline wrote:
ftf841 wrote:
poopo wrote:
My school has a 3D printer.
no fair!
I wish I was in your school! But then again, maybe not
I heard there are kits and stuff they sell online so you can build your own. I'm just not sure about the software bit, and what kind of 3D models it is compatible with. Blender? Sketchup?
Probably OBJ. So yeah, Blender included. Maybe Sketchup; I'm not as good with it.
poopo wrote:
My school has a 3D printer.
Next year I will be in Year 9 in my school and there will be a new elective subject for making 3D models with a program called Creo and they will be printed. My school currently doesn't have a 3D printer yet though, so I think the teacher that is running the subject is going to get another school to print them.
ftf841 wrote:
there could be a new kind of crime if this was made. so you go to the internet and download a chair then you print it. but it turns out to be a bomb.
the end
The websites will probably be more secure in the future, but if not, people will use code injection to replace 3D models with other things. D:
trinary wrote:
Technology is advancing incredibly fast.
Very, consider the last 10 years for example
Goes into printer store buys Cdvnced 1899 then buys Conductive ink paket then goes home, reads paket say please insert each to fit your needs. Opens paket puts ink in sets up printer and switches on all of the parts. Switches on tv and lenvo and tablet opens google buys 9000,0000 video paper prints and buys The Best Computer In The World prints dose setup and printed off hover cher and attached table sat on it and put his computer on the table then makes shoppinng list the buys Home system , Advanced Home , porsnsal survant. Then sets up everything logs in and buys flying car and flys to turky
Last edited by lallaway12 (2012-07-21 14:55:25)
16Skittles wrote:
jackrulez wrote:
The concept of printing microchips and such sounds kind of far-fetched to me; I imagine that instead, you'd go to a phone (or whatever) store, purchase the internal components (battery, screen, et cetra), and then plug your own materials (or theirs for a fee) into the 3D printer and print the rest of the phone with your own modifications.
most current 3D printers can only print ABS plastic, but there isn't any reason why it wouldn't also be possible to print out copper for wires and other materials in the future.
Also 'ABS-like digital material'.
lallaway12 wrote:
Goes into printer store buys Cdvnced 1899 then buys Conductive ink paket then goes home, reads paket say please insert each to fit your needs. Opens paket puts ink in sets up printer and switches on all of the parts. Switches on tv and lenvo and tablet opens google buys 9000,0000 video paper prints and buys The Best Computer In The World prints dose setup and printed off hover cher and attached table sat on it and put his computer on the table then makes shoppinng list the buys Home system , Advanced Home , porsnsal survant. Then sets up everything logs in and buys flying car and flys to turky
spongebob123 wrote:
lallaway12 wrote:
Goes into printer store buys Cdvnced 1899 then buys Conductive ink paket then goes home, reads paket say please insert each to fit your needs. Opens paket puts ink in sets up printer and switches on all of the parts. Switches on tv and lenvo and tablet opens google buys 9000,0000 video paper prints and buys The Best Computer In The World prints dose setup and printed off hover cher and attached table sat on it and put his computer on the table then makes shoppinng list the buys Home system , Advanced Home , porsnsal survant. Then sets up everything logs in and buys flying car and flys to turky
What Im doing in the future