I've just seen this amazing new product called the leap. It's many of the numerous I've been dreaming up in my subconsciousness, realised in one product.
It's like a touch screen, but you don't actually touch the screen, you make gestures in front of it, but not stupid ones, intuitive ones. Guess what that means. No more fingerprints on the screen
Their website is here. Watch the video on the website.
It really is amazing and is available for preordering, both Mac and Windows compatible.
Price is quite very reasonable at $70. It could open a whole new portal for gaming (no pun intended) and for graphic design as well.
For reference, I first saw it on this article.
http://www.macrumors.com/2012/07/17/for … ap-motion/
Discuss the leap. I wonder if someone could mod Scratch to be compatible with it even, although I reckon some great programmers could be able to replicate it with the video features in 2.0
Actually, I think they got the idea from Samsung Smart TV. From what you said in your post, they don't seem that different, except for the device it will be working on.
But this has so many more applications! Also, this uses 3D space, rather than the limited 2D of the Smart TV and Kinect.
I seen that before somewhere. I think it was in the Connecting to the Physical World forum.
Whoah, that's quite impressive. I might just have to sell my laser keyboard and mouse to buy this.
I hope they are Apple branded. Used mice and keyboard of any other brand have very bad resale values