You can't stop it. However, if you want to store its value at a specific time, you can set a variable to its value.
Here is an equivalent if you want to stop it.
when gf clicked set [timer v] to (0) repeat until <(Whatever you want to happen when it stops)> change [timer v] by (1) wait (1) secs
funelephant wrote:
Here is an equivalent if you want to stop it.
when gf clicked set [timer v] to (0) repeat until <(Whatever you want to happen when it stops)> change [timer v] by (1) wait (1) secs
That way isn't exact. A better way to do it is this:
when gf clicked set [timer v] to [0] set [stopper v] to [0] forever if <(stopper)=[0]> wait until <((timer)mod(1))=[0]> change [timer v] by (1) reset timer end if (event you want) set [stopper v] to [1] end if (different event) set [stopper v] to [0] reset timer end