I just don't like Sonic R anymore. I don't want to become what i had become before.
So you're not going to review it?
Ok, thanks.
Good thing we have more members I'm sort of traumatized from Sonic R o.O
Sonic R by Calebxy
Programming/Complexity: 10/20
Some of the programming was good although it wasn't very organized and you could have made it much more compact
Graphics: 15/20
The graphics are very simple and you didn't even make all of them. However, there are clearly many costumes for the track and that is why you have so many points for this section
Gameplay: 5/20
It is very simple to play but it isn't very fun and it gets boring after a while. It is too easy.
Sound: 0/20
There is absolutely no sound
Originality: 1/20
Although I don't think there is anything like this on scratch, it was based off of an existing game.
31/100 - Average
Hmm... This just gets worse and worse. Ok, I'll make a new game for someone to review.
calebxy wrote:
Hmm... This just gets worse and worse.
Ok, I'll make a new game for someone to review.
I just don't normally give out super high scores. The highest score someone has gotten from me was around 40
wolfdude999 wrote:
calebxy wrote:
Hmm... This just gets worse and worse.
Ok, I'll make a new game for someone to review.
I just don't normally give out super high scores. The highest score someone has gotten from me was around 40
Oh, wow, ok. Well while I'm making the new game, could you review these two please? http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/calebxy/1200087
This one isn't really a game, it's just an experiment, but anyway: http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/calebxy/1014455
can you all please take a look at some of my art i am called gamingrules my art has had some comments and they all find it funny
Bullet time effect by Calebxy
Programming/Complexity: 5/20
Once again, the programming had a few good aspects but it could have been made much more efficient. You also could have gotten rid of the sprite for the ground and put it in the stage. I also reccommend that if you work on this more,(I don't think you will) you should condense all of the raindrops into one sprite.
Graphics: 7/20
For the most part, the graphics are good except for the floor. However, if you want the rest of those points, you should possibly add a moving animation for the character.
Gameplay: 7/20
It is very simple and fun to play although it would be better if something happened when you got hit by a raindrop as that is the goal of the game.
Sound: 0/20
There is absolutely no sound
Originality: 15/20
Very original. I haven't seen anything else like this. Although I think that you got the idea from another game so you lost 5 points.
34/100 - Average
Gamingrules wrote:
can you all please take a look at some of my art i am called gamingrules my art has had some comments and they all find it funny
Please don't spam. This forum thread is for reviewing games. It's not for spamming.
Super Mario Bros The lost levels - scratch by Calebxy
Programming/Complexity: 5/20
In order to get more points, you should clean up some of the programming for mario, add velocities, make the character move faster, and make all of the scrolling sprites into one or two.
Graphics: 3/20
The graphics are okay, but you didn't make all of them so you don't get very many points in this area.
Gameplay: 5/20
It is very simple but you could make it harder to get past bowser and also add velocities.
Sound: 0/20
There is absolutely no sound
Originality: 1/20
Not original at all.
14/100 - Below average
I am determined to impress you with my new game!
calebxy wrote:
I am determined to impress you with my new game!
I will be waiting. You know, you could just have someone else review it and you would probably get a higher score...
Super Mario Bros The lost levels - scratch by Calebxy
Programming/Complexity: 13/20
It was programmed well but most of it was simple.
Graphics: 19/20
All of the graphics are excellent but you didn't get that last point because you didn't make any of them.
Gameplay: 15/20
Fun to play, although it only took me 8 seconds to win. I suggest that you make it longer.
Sound: 0/20
There is absolutely no sound
Originality: 1/20
Not original at all. It is just like a normal mario game.
48/100 - Good
Wait, you guys don't do animations right? (I'm back!) If you do, then please review this project:
Can I join the reviewing? I can do rlojunior's and thescratch3's projects
Here is an unofficial review:
Drib’ble by rlojunior
Programming/Complexity: 11/20
Your average/above average scratcher could accomplish this, but it’d be relatively hard for new scratchers. Complexity=yes, because the variables were written in Spanish (I think) and it was hard for me to understand but after reading your script carefully, it wasn’t a problem doing a mini translation. The programming was nicely condensed, but there were multiple sprites with the same scripts.
Graphics: 2/20
Not really outstanding graphics, just two circles on the screen that left paths. You could include a storyline which would let you also change their images, such as a chasing game where the red dot “chases” you. The background was nonexistent.
Gameplay: 7/20
The gameplay was fun the first 3 times I played it. I enjoyed the mind exercise under pressure (the timer). Then, I got extremely annoyed that I couldn’t beat level 2. I took about 15 tries and would’ve kept going or altering the script so that I could skip to level 3. The timer ruins the game. No offense, but I hated it from the start. The game would be so much better in my opinion without the 10 second time limit. I didn’t like that at all. Since it is a puzzley type game, you need time to think, not just to be constrained to 10 seconds. When you wrote casual game in the post requesting a review, I wasn’t expected for a nerve-racking experience with 10 seconds. That’s what kept you from getting a 10 or above.
Sound: 11/20
The sound doesn’t really match the title, but it made me feel like the little circles were technologically involved in something, so you could make the background a giant circuit board and make the circles squares, like pixels.
Originality: 13/20
I’ve never seen anything like it on the scratch website but have seen similar things on other websites. Still, I liked the general idea.
ScratcherXPrime wrote:
Here is an unofficial review:
Drib’ble by rlojunior
Programming/Complexity: 11/20
Your average/above average scratcher could accomplish this, but it’d be relatively hard for new scratchers. Complexity=yes, because the variables were written in Spanish (I think) and it was hard for me to understand but after reading your script carefully, it wasn’t a problem doing a mini translation. The programming was nicely condensed, but there were multiple sprites with the same scripts.
Graphics: 2/20
Not really outstanding graphics, just two circles on the screen that left paths. You could include a storyline which would let you also change their images, such as a chasing game where the red dot “chases” you. The background was nonexistent.
Gameplay: 7/20
The gameplay was fun the first 3 times I played it. I enjoyed the mind exercise under pressure (the timer). Then, I got extremely annoyed that I couldn’t beat level 2. I took about 15 tries and would’ve kept going or altering the script so that I could skip to level 3. The timer ruins the game. No offense, but I hated it from the start. The game would be so much better in my opinion without the 10 second time limit. I didn’t like that at all. Since it is a puzzley type game, you need time to think, not just to be constrained to 10 seconds. When you wrote casual game in the post requesting a review, I wasn’t expected for a nerve-racking experience with 10 seconds. That’s what kept you from getting a 10 or above.
Sound: 11/20
The sound doesn’t really match the title, but it made me feel like the little circles were technologically involved in something, so you could make the background a giant circuit board and make the circles squares, like pixels.
Originality: 13/20
I’ve never seen anything like it on the scratch website but have seen similar things on other websites. Still, I liked the general idea.
adding you as rwveiwer...