I need some for my newest game, Laserfield.
Be more specific please, so we can tell you exactly what you need.
that's a simple, one way beam scriptwhenclicked
go tostartpoint ▼point in directionstart directionforeverclearpen downrepeat untiltouchingorreflective colour?touchingreflective colour?move10stepsiftouchingreflective colour?point in directiondirection*-1iftouchingwall colour?stop script
do you want info like reactions to hitting lenses?
here are some:
() is Convex lens
)( is concave lens
+++ is laser emitter
------ is thin light beam
==== is thick light beam
< is beam getting wider
> is beam getting thinner
Last edited by Nathanator1416J (2012-07-14 12:19:42)
zammer990 wrote:
that's a simple, one way beam scriptwhenclicked
go tostartpoint ▼point in directionstart directionforeverclearpen downrepeat untiltouchingorreflective colour?touchingreflective colour?move10stepsiftouchingreflective colour?point in directiondirection*-1iftouchingwall colour?stop script
Not like this..
I want the laser to be like my project, pen experiment.
There are 2 handles to the laser beam, one on one side, and the other on the other side of the laser beam...
And there should be room for 4 handles...
Sorry, i want to help, but i have NO IDEA what your talking about
TheiftouchingReflective Mirror ▼?change x by*sin ▼ofdirection0-move speediftouchingReflective Mirror ▼?point in direction180-directionelsepoint in direction0-directionchange x by*sin ▼ofdirectionmove speed
should be outside of the else condition, I just don't know how to do it with scratchblocks - it shouldn't be inside the if else.change x by*sin ▼ofdirectionmove speed
Prestige wrote:
TheiftouchingReflective Mirror ▼?change x by*sin ▼ofdirection0-move speediftouchingReflective Mirror ▼?point in direction180-directionelsepoint in direction0-directionchange x by*sin ▼ofdirectionmove speedshould be outside of the else condition, I just don't know how to do it with scratchblocks - it shouldn't be inside the if else.change x by*sin ▼ofdirectionmove speed![]()
Did it for you.