50 Bits is a game I made to demonstrate one of my ideas for scratch games: CM - Comment Multiplayer (don't ask me why I call it that). It is not real multiplayer, but
This is multiplayer--Many people can play, and everyone can see their interactions.
In 50 Bits, there will be a simple picture. To get it:
To play, find the most recent 50 bits code in the comments. They look like this:
Only longer.
{([I know some of the impatient people want the link right now, so here it is.])}
Then, copy-paste the code into the input box. You can change 50 squares (from black to white or vice-versa). When you are done, the new text code will be in the list. Post it as a comment. Lol if you clicked the link above, it was a joke for impatient people. Here is the real link.
Anyway, questions? Comments? Remember that all new 50 Bits codes go in the comments, not here.
Martiscratch wrote:
Gameplay:35/50 (Is a bit slow without turbo)
Graphics: 9/10 (Quite good but very simple)
How Addictive:15/20 (I do come back and play it a lot)
Music: 0/5 (I cant say if there isn't any!)
Overall:85/100 (Quite cool!)
Last edited by Molybdenum (2012-10-30 18:50:08)
Awesome! I made one. It turned your jumble bits (sorry) into a little scene. It look nice. I made the thing at the bottom connected and extended to become a tree, the thing in the middle connected and modified a bit (ba-doom tzi) to become wind, the bit on top to become a cloud, and I started a sun (but ran out of bits)
bobbybee wrote:
Awesome! I made one. It turned your jumble bits (sorry) into a little scene. It look nice. I made the thing at the bottom connected and extended to become a tree, the thing in the middle connected and modified a bit (ba-doom tzi) to become wind, the bit on top to become a cloud, and I started a sun (but ran out of bits)
Umm... Sorry, but yours didn't save. Its exactly the same as mine.
You do know posting false links is an offence...
ImagineIt wrote:
You do know posting false links is an offence...
Molybdenum wrote:
Molybdenum wrote:
Molybdenum wrote:
Anyone else playing?
Molybdenum wrote:
Molybdenum wrote:
Molybdenum wrote:
Anyone else playing?
Bump... This game already has 9 codes/levels!
Molybdenum wrote:
Bump... This game already has 9 codes/levels!
Make that 11.
Bump... 17 codes already!
Molybdenum wrote:
Bump... 17 codes already!
Molybdenum wrote:
Molybdenum wrote:
Bump... 17 codes already!
I don't want to count how many codes there are now though.
First person to post here after this post gets a free [inverse MD5 hash of 0a08ccb5f0b4bb87a6bbadcff3b06501]