Hi, I just joined Scratch... So I'm basically not a Scratcher yet... I really need the experience to become a good Scratcher. I need some help with a very important game I'm working on... It's called Super Mario Brothers 4: The Universe Beyond The Mushroom Kingdom. It's going to be very hard for me because I'm not good with Scratch... I'll really need help from a very good Scratcher... Actually, I might need help from "some" Scratchers. Thanks Hope you are nice enough to help!
Try starting with a simpler game. My first game was horrible. Look at the "Undersea Dash". It failed.
He's my cousin you know...
He's ADDICTED to Super Mario Bros... You're better take it back... He's gives me nightmares if I tell him to make something OTHER than Mario Bros...
Hmm, I'm not sure anyone can help unless you're more specific with what exactly you need help with. I agree with Firedrake that it might be a good idea to start with something simpler, but if you're dead set on Super Mario Bros and such, there's no reason you can't try. A good way to figure out scripts is to look at similar projects, download them and see how they work. Then you can try to apply the same in your own project.
Try a simpler Super Mario Bros if you're dead set on it. It will take a little longer, but you can do it. See what Wickimen said.
Wickimen wrote:
Don't make fun of my un-American word choice ;_;
What do you mean? That's not what I meant.
If I work on a HARD project it will make me a good Scratcher... I could try a simpler Mario Bros... But, I "MADE UP" this... And I'm not a very good Artist... And I need Custom Bosses... By the way, I said, "If you are a nice and helpful person you could reply...". And helping me is being helpful AND nice... You could help me you know... You know something? If YOU do a good deed it may change the world... And helping me is doing a good deed...
Hitmonchan_Jr wrote:
If I work on a HARD project it will make me a good Scratcher... I could try a simpler Mario Bros... But, I "MADE UP" this... And I'm not a very good Artist... And I need Custom Bosses... By the way, I said, "If you are a nice and helpful person you could reply...". And helping me is being helpful AND nice... You could help me you know... You know something? If YOU do a good deed it may change the world... And helping me is doing a good deed...
Anyways, work your way up. Imagine if you are a swimmer. You don't start swimming against Olympic athletes, do you? You start with water wings and work your way up. It takes time and patience.
Are you guys done Arguing?
Firedrake969 wrote:
Wickimen wrote:
Don't make fun of my un-American word choice ;_;
What do you mean? That's not what I meant.
(I was kidding) /offtopic
Wickimen wrote:
Firedrake969 wrote:
Wickimen wrote:
Don't make fun of my un-American word choice ;_;
What do you mean? That's not what I meant.
(I was kidding) /offtopic
I could link you to come excellent Mario-themed projects but a lot of them are done by veteran scratchers. Its a toughie to start with, even for experienced scratchers it can be problematic. As for the custom bosses issue, I make my games with rubbish graphics to begin with and check the game mechanics work, then and only then get out the paint brush and pretty it up - it might be helpful to you if you did the same.
Good luck with the project
Prestige? Can you make me a Fracktail boss if you know what I mean...